Epilogue - Moonbli

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What does that mean?

Breathtaking? Flawless? Godlike? It's used by nearly everyone for nearly everything.

Like a certain dragon describing another dragon.

When Moon first encountered Qibli, they didn't even know each other, yet he stepped up to protect her from Winter. Together, they tracked down the bomber of the school and saved students. They helped Winter find his true identity.

He nearly sacrificed himself for all of them. And he would gladly do it again if it means they live to see another day.

Qibli was perfect. He could meet anyone's standards. He was an all-in-one package.

It's sad to see why Qibli developed such a personality. Moon pitied him; he didn't deserve the past he had. But there was nothing she could do about that. It was all about embracing him as he is now.

And she believed it was the right time to give him something he'd essentially never had before.

Love. Unconditional love.

The kind of love that makes you focus on the light when you're surrounded in darkness. The love that stands out from everything else you have. The love that changes you.

Moon was anxious, though. Precisely because of the potential of Qibli declining. However, it wasn't because he didn't reciprocate the feelings. She knew he had them; shrouded in uncertainty, subconscious perceptions, and personal worry, she caught them loud and clear some time ago.

So it wasn't about feelings. It was about selflessness.

Qibli knew Winter's state of mind. He knew the cold-hearted IceWing wasn't in great shape, but support and that unconditional love could swiftly turn that around.

There was a possibility that Qibli would say Winter needed Moon more than he did. That he would put Winter first in line.

That was true for anything. Moon observed how their friendship evolved over time. Qibli put Winter before himself, and that was a fact. And it might stretch over to more serious matters too, like this.

However, she also knew how much of a desire Qibli had to fill the void in his heart where love was supposed to be. She wanted to help him, not solely out of pity of course.

But there was also Winter. He did need some rehabilitation, and Moon would certainly help with that. Besides, even if he wasn't always arrogant and cold, Winter would still be a great potential significant other. That's what troubled Moon.

Both Winter and Qibli needed her, not just wanted her. And she had to make what might be one of the most important decisions of her life. Repercussions within their friend group would last a lifetime.

This was what Moon was caught in - a tug of war with her feelings, being sent back and forth by her emotions.

But there was something that was tugging at her heart. More like someone. And a someone.

Moon felt compelled to be with Qibli. She felt like it was the right thing. She wanted to see him happy and looking forward to life, not love-deprived and vying for everyone's approval.

She was sure he was cheerful on the outside, but dead on the inside.

So it was no surprise when she found herself standing outside his guest hut in the rainforest. The sun was nearly down off in the horizon, casting a warm, calm glow on the scenery around them. The area was quiet, due to the thick dark trees acting as noise suppression, with a nice sense of tranquility - Qibli had chosen a nice temporary house within the village.

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