Old Comrades - Qibli

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"Possible" Inferred Winglets (Assassin and Deserter) Spoilers

"Relax, mate! I'm just here to kill you!"

"On my life, I'm going to make you suffer."

"Why do you exist?!"

"You oversized pair of shoes!"

Qibli never figured he'd have such an experience participating in a 5-player game of Uno, but here he was, suffering card penalties left and right.

Qibli, Moon, Kinkajou, Vesper, and Winter all sat in a circle in that order. Qibli could've sworn Winter kept shooting longing glances at Moon, and maybe even him at one point.

For the moment, it was still early morning. Warm sunlight lit the tiny recreation room, filled with howling dragonets losing their sanity at a classic card game.

Maybe it's how Uno is supposed to go. At least the designer camel fur carpets were comfy to sit on. It was a hassle to get them sourced and documented within the palace, but Qibli was proud he had them.

Gives me some much needed bling.

Everyone was suited and equipped for the day's events, and Kinkajou insisted they depart for Turtle immediately. However, Vesper, being the nonchalant and charismatic entity he is, persuaded the others to "bond" and "let loose some previously generated steam."

That seemed to be going well.

At least it served as a distraction for Qibli. Last night would've been amazing with Moon had he not broken down, but the experience with her was something he'd never forget.

It also was nice waking up with Moon as well. Fully awake, Qibli was able to focus on the sleeping NightWing with him, all bunched up in a ball of cuteness.

She wasn't the only nearby source of attraction, but like last night, Qibli just wanted to focus on one thing at a time.


The shout came from Kinkajou, bringing Qibli back into reality. What also helped was the string of expletives that were muttered from Winter next to him.

Look at our boy, actually caring about his gaming career.

Their RainWing friend was giggling with a goofy grin on her face.

"Watch her pull a douche ending move," commented Winter. "Qibli and Moon, can you do anything? I really don't want to lose my 3 stones of our bet."

Eyeing the 15 small pebbles next to the discard pile, Qibli also assessed his hand. "Not if Moon doesn't have a +2."

"I...don't," she responded, raising a suspicious eyebrow at Qibli. Shrugging, the SandWing just dropped a normal number card.

With a sigh, Moon started drawing in hopes to keep everyone from losing their mind. "Heart of the cards...I hope."

After drawing a million cards, she threw down the exact same card Qibli just played.


Screeching, Kinkajou played her final card with triumph...which the group noticed to be a +4.

Followed by everyone groaning in disgust, defeat, relief, or maybe all.

"Woow...what happened to your dignity?" Winter huffed.

"I see someone doesn't want to let their stardom die," commented Vesper. "What a title - "Local Eccentric RainWing Makes It to Uno Pro Leagues.' Outstandin'."

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