Bravado - Qibli

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Pure golden sands stretched endlessly as far as the eye could see. A royal blue sky emptied of clouds posed as a beautiful backdrop. The blazing sun baked everything that moved in the perfect desert.

Maybe everything was a little too baked.

Qibli could feel himself being pushed to the limit. His vast wings beat harder and harder towards a direction he wasn't able to decide on. Plenty of other wingbeats echoed his behind him.

I promised him. I promised Ostrich would be okay.

"Ostrich!" Qibli found himself calling. Spontaneously, a pair of wings collided with him, and together they were losing altitude quickly. Qibli managed to untangle himself, but was soon overtaken by another dragon from behind. Now was the time to start fighting back.

Remembering dogfighting experience, he arched his back, grabbed his opponent's horns, and threw them forward. As another dragon wrapped their arms around Qibli, he threw himself in a rough outside loop and dislodged his attacker.

Finally having enough breathing room, Qibli started to take off in the original direction but halted himself shortly after.

In front of him was a large, intimidating SandWing. Pale scales contrasted against an assortment of black and gold jewelry, nearly making up most of his size.

The most eye-catching of all was the leopard-like pattern of dragon skull tattoos dotted on his body.

The sight of Vulture put Qibli into a near-catatonic state. Time around him slowed as the dragon who he thought he'd never see again approached slowly and slowly.

All too quickly, they were within a wingspan's distance of each other.

With a barbaric roar, Vulture lunged forward and grabbed Qibli by the neck. Only now did his shock wear off. Nonetheless, his struggles against the mightier being were futile.

Suddenly, Vulture swiftly and efficiently plunged his barbed tail into Qibli's leg. Letting out a cry of suffering, he scratched in vain at the claws holding him where he was.

Those claws then tore through his neck.

Now plummeting, all Qibli could focus on was the blood gushing from his neck and leg and the ground that suddenly seemed a lot bigger than it was just a second ago.

Quarter way there, then halfway, then ever so close...

Qibli shot up, breathing heavily. Sweat was converging into a small pool where he sat. Taking in his surroundings, he observed a familiar cave with familiar dragons. At least it was safe.

Three moons...a bloody nightmare. Literally, too.

That was...was that really...Vulture? At least it wasn't a vision.

I can't even move on from my past. Why...? Why do I have to be reminded?

He let tears roll down his face as he slowly and silently got up to head outside.

The moons still illuminated much of the surrounding area. They had a while before sunrise, when the day would begin. Looking back at his friends, Qibli noticed Winter and Moon sharing warmth (if Winter even is a source of warmth) with how close they were sleeping. Deathbringer was twitching from every perceived detail with assassin instincts. Everyone else was sleeping like a sloth. Even Kinkajou was snoring.

The Good Sleep Squad. Count me out of it now.

I guess I can relieve myself while I'm at it. Apparently this is the better thing to do if I can't sleep - just walking around and doing something.

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