Immortals - Qibli

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All that could be seen was darkness. Maybe a dim light. Nothing could be moved - something was pinning Qibli against a wall.

I really need to stop waking up like this.

When he was finally sure he was locked in place, he breathed a small plume of fire to assess his surroundings.

Qibli had thick, sturdy shackles pinning his limbs against a stone wall. His wrists were already hurting from hanging.

The small room he was in was also made out of stone, like someone dug out of a mountain. There was a wooden door adjacent to him, closed but glowing that low light he saw earlier. The only other source of possible light in the room was a torch scone, so Qibli lit that.

All was quiet, except for some sort of distant clinging coming through the doorway. One thing was for certain - he wasn't going to hang around (no pun intended) waiting for someone to check up on him.

Naturally, he'd thought about burning off the shackles, but his captors most likely had given fireproof shackles to a SandWing. Plus, he didn't want to burn himself more than necessary.

He figured there were keyholes on his chains, although he couldn't see them, so he looked around trying to find a small but sharp rock or anything that his talons could grasp. Nothing.


No. Surely that's not the case. But, if it is...

He tried slightly breathing fire on the shackle on his right wrist. To his dismay...

The metal starting melting.

Qibli pushed through the pain and sensation of burning alive as he struggled pushing his arm through the chain.

Just...a little more...

The shackle fell to the ground with a clank as Qibli stretched his arm and his wrist. A few scales were scorched, but he was still in tact.

That hurt like hell.

So I was right. They must've thought that the tranquilizers they hit us with would knock us out for a long time. So they'd be back for us by the time we'd be awake, with no chance of burning out.

Lucky me, pulling out my dart before the serum could spread.

Qibli started to lockpick the chains on his left arm with his talon, then moved down to his ankles and freed those.

I'm free. Time to find the others.

The SandWing crept up to the door and peaked out, observing his environment.

A small tunnel ran to his left and right. To the right was a large atrium. To his left were three more rooms that looked similar to his. The 4 cells were 2x2, with one in front of him and one to his left.

The others! Maybe. I hope.

As he approached the room straight ahead of him, Qibli's heart was pounding.

He had rarely been in a prisoner scenario. The SandWing just hoped that the art of stealth was on his side.

He pushed open the door to find...a SeaWing. Not one that he recognized, at least. But Qibli figured the more allies he'd have in this hostile environment, the better.

Qibli slowly approached the prisoner. He had his head drooped down, his chest slowly rising and falling with his breathing. His scales were a matte baby blue. Traces of blood lined his wings, was splattered on his talons, and slightly stained his defined face. Qibli slowly and softly grabbed the SeaWing's chin, assessing who he was.

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