Off Course - Moon

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The RainWing/NightWing villages had never looked so inviting and warm as they did now. It was most likely because of the perils that plagued Pyrrhia, but Moon was just happy to be home.
She was rather worried, however, to introduce a dragon from legends and tales to others who would most definitely be skeptical and aggressive towards this stranger.
But Turtle knew they wouldn't be. Who could really escape the illusion spells Darkstalker had cast on everyone? This he mentioned to Moon while approaching the villages.
"I don't know, Turtle," Moon said. "So far, he's been a really good person. You really think he's making everyone obey him?"
Turtle looked as if that question made him think of about five more. "Yes," he responded. "The school founders would never let anything like this happen to their students if they were sane. My sister would fight tooth and claw to any dragon who her students saw as a threat.
"Also, Moon, I really don't think you should be thinking of that while Darkstalker's around. Without skyfire, he can easily hear your thoughts and ruin my chances of, uh, trying to...follow Darkstalker."
Moon realized his accuracy. "Oh, yeah, of course. I didn't think about that. Thanks, Turtle. Now, I'm going to go see my mom real quick. Say, you do what you want and we meet by the fountain at dusk?"
"Of course, Moon," the SeaWing responded, already banking towards where the nearest river is.
Moon floated above the village, looking for her mother. She would deal with Darkstalker after.
After some time searching, she finally spotted her tending to a fruit basket. Moon glided down, embracing her mother in a hug.
"Moon!" she exclaimed while returning the embrace. "I'm glad to see you hear. But why aren't you at school? Is everything okay?"
Moon took her mother's talon and started leading her towards the clearing where Darkstalker and the rest of the students were.
"Listen, Mom. There's been a situation at the Academy. A dragon went there and started doing things with a bunch of students. Now, he's hear up ahead.
"I don't mean to alarm you, but he's Darkstalker."
Of course, Secretkeeper was alarmed and froze in her tracks. "Oh, ha, nice joke," she said, the color returning to her face as she came back to reality. "Why are you really here?"
Moon just shook her head. "It's really Darkstalker. You're about to see him in a few seconds."
"If it's really Darkstalker," her mother started. "We really shouldn't be going towards the giant, evil dragon that's going to kill - " her words cut off as they reached the clearing where Darkstalker was.
"Oh, hey, that guy doesn't look anything like the legends say. Apparently he's smiling a lot more than they said. And is more benevolent too," she added as she noticed Darkstalker dishing out a few enchantments.
She's under the spell, too, Moon realized immediately. Moon broke away from her mother and flew to a tree where she would be able to blend in, where Darkstalker couldn't see her. She needed to listen to what he would say, and hopefully he would lead them to their next journey in stopping the prophecy. Moon noticed Turtle nearby, most likely doing something similar to her.
All Darkstalker did was enchant some things, introduce himself, rant on about restoring Pyrrhia, more enchanting, visiting the ancient Night Kingdom, enchant, blah blah bla-

Visiting the ancient Night Kingdom. Moon's ears perked up just then during Darkstalker's speech. She still couldn't hear what most of it was, but she noticed Turtle what looked like jotting something down. Smart lad. He should come with us.

After the speech was over, Moon approached Darkstalker apprehensively. "Hey," she said quietly. "Where are we going next?"

Darkstalker chuckled deeply. "Oh, little Moon. Yes, I am going somewhere, but you should stay here. The place I'm's valuable to me, to say the least. Plus, I want it to be perfect for when you visit. My home surely hasn't been dusted in thousands of years."

Moon was startled by a wing brushing hers, but relaxed when she saw it was Turtle. She smiled weakly at him. He was listening in on this, too. Moon quickly looked back at Darkstalker to not appear suspicious.

Ideas started forming in her mind as she thought of what to do. But she shut them out quickly, hoping Darkstalker didn't catch anything. "Um...yes, of course, Darkstalker. Do what you need to do. And please, take your time."

Darkstalker chuckled again. "That, I will do, little Moonwatcher." He turned and joined a group of NightWings who must've been talking about him. Moon grabbed Turtle's arm and led them behind a nearby tree.

She was just about to talk to him when suddenly she felt a sharp pain flare across her snout. It was excruciating to the point where she fell on her knees, wincing.

Not only that, but Jade Mountain Academy was the only thought she could think of at that moment. She found that very suspicious the moment she came back to reality.

Turtle had one wing around Moon, supporting her against the tree as he was wondering what was going on. "Moon, are you good?" the SeaWing asked her.

Moon steadied herself, the pain essentially dissipated from her head. "Yeah, I...I don't know what happened. I was just hit with a lot of pain at once. And the school appeared, but I don't know why. Thank you, Turtle, for helping me.

"Listen, whatever happened, it probably wasn't good. And since Darkstalker is about to head to the Night Kingdom, someone needs to follow him. I think that should be you," Moon said, placing one talon on Turtle's shoulder. "Your invisibility is perfect for spying on him and to try to find out where the kingdom is. And since he wants me to stay here, I need to check back on Jade Mountain.

"I know that's a lot for you to listen to, and I'm sorry," she went on. "But please, can you do it for me? For everyone?"

If Turtle ever had a look like he wanted to disappear forever, now was the perfect time to show it. But he kept a calm, determined face as he remembered exactly who to do this for. "Of course I will, Moon," he said quietly. "I'll try to update you guys as much as I can."

Moon felt like maybe they now had a chance of understanding whatever was happening. She always thought Darkstalker was actually a decent being. Maybe this was just another fiasco that had no correlation to the prophecy, she hoped.

"Thank you," she said as she embraced her friend in a hug. "Good luck. You better stay safe, Turtle," she added as they started walking away.

"Hey, you too!" Turtle responded as he neared Darkstalker.

At that time, Moon felt like she needed that good luck as she flew back to Jade Mountain.
She pondered over what her little vision could've meant. It was pain, so surely something bad. Was the school about to fall apart? Is there another assassin? And one Moon was positive was true, was someone hurt?
She was unfocused so much that she nearly flew past the school. Moon swooped down into the main entrance to find a bulletin indicating that the math hallway will remain closed for an undisclosed amount of time after a specific event that occurred there.
She turned around to find Kinkajou sprinting towards her. The little RainWing embraced her for only a second as she gripped Moon's shoulders and looked her in the eyes.
"There was just an explosion earlier. And there was this dragon who we think caused it. But Qibli...he's injured. He's out right now."
"He's...what?" Moon struggled out, digesting what her friend said.

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