With Friends Like These... - Riptide

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Everything was a nice, warm, amber glow. It stretched in all directions underneath a breathtakingly beautiful sky, scattered with fluffy clouds that looked perfect. The sun was just above the horizon, casting an orange glow on the land.

The desert would've sounded a lot nicer too, had a SeaWing not been flailing in the air, out of breath and panting.

No wonder SeaWings venture out here. I haven't seen anything close to an oasis since that one an hour ago.

Duh, it's a desert. Of course the only dragons out here would be SandWings.

Speaking of SandWings, I hope he's doing okay.

Riptide had been worrying about his new friend for a while now. Was it really the right decision to let him go by himself?

Even at an age of 5, he can handle combat. Hell, he's an Outclaw who spent nearly his whole life in the Scorpion Den.

I'll just hope the Immortals don't have anybody like him.

The sky-blue SeaWing pushed on in the direction of the palace, and was rewarded with the sight of it quickly.

Riptide didn't know how SandWings greeted their guests (if they did), so he decided to slow down and make himself visible in the air, hoping some guards would notice him.

Soon after, a SandWing duo flew to meet him, their weapons not directed at him, but not sheathed either.

"You are approaching the Palace of the SandWings," one of them said with authority. "Do you have business here?"

"Hey, um...I'm Riptide," he started. "Qibli sent me to see the Queen with some news."

One of the SandWings flew closer to Riptide, assessing him. He had mostly pale scales, with scars on his shoulders, chest, and tail. Definitely an experienced Outclaw; he flew like one too. Larger than Riptide.

In a rough voice, he asked, "Where's Qibli himself, eh? How do you know who he is?" The guard narrowed his eyes, his partner gripping their spear tighter.

Riptide put on a steady face, and calmly said, "I was held prisoner just earlier today. Qibli apparently was too, but he escaped and helped me in the process." He paused, and more quietly said, "He's on his way to a prison of theirs, probably about northeast from here to free his friends."

The other guard came forward this time. She had perfect matte yellow scales, close to the color of the sand. She flew calmly and steadily, not faltering one bit. The dragon donned an emerald necklace resting on her scales. Her brown eyes bore into Riptide as she said, "You mentioned this other group of dragons. 'A prison of theirs.' And that you and Qibli were held captive. Who are they?"

Riptide looked them dead in the eyes and responded with, "The Immortals."

The two guards immediately gave each other looks. The first one thought for a minute, then said, "Come with us. We'll see if Queen Thorn is available. And, don't try anything"

The trio of dragons flew down to the main palace courtyard. Riptide noticed the towering obelisk dedicated to the late Queen Oasis. Many other dragons gave him questioning looks as they entered the palace, wondering why a SeaWing was in their territory.

The guards escorted Riptide to a guest room. It was decently sized, well polished, and made to impress. A comfortable bed sat in one corner, an end table beside it. A maroon rug covered most of the room, feeling very soft under his talons. Windows were apparently non-existent here, but all in all, he wouldn't mind waiting for help in here.

"You can stay in here for now. We'll see what we can do with Her Majesty," one of the guards said.

With that, they turned out of the room, locked the door, and walked off deeper into the palace.

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