Numbers - Qibli

788 13 22

Everything was darkness at first. Qibli was being shaken, and what sounded like his name was being said. He tried to reach out to it, and was rewarded with his eyes opening.

The first thing he saw was Moon standing over him, her beautiful eyes staring into his handsome face.

Did I just think of myself as handsome? Did I just completely ignore the fact that I called Moon beautiful? Wait, what the hell am I thinking?

Qibli, three moons, focus.

So he decided to focus on the NightWing over him. She squealed slightly when she saw he was awake, then was greeted in a hug, with Moon's head resting on Qibli's shoulder.

"You're awake!" Moon said, muffled in his neck. "Three moons, you worried me half to death."

Was she sobbing into him? This was a new level for Qibli.

"No, I thought I was Qibli, not Awake," the SandWing instantly joked. He then heard what sounded like three sighs come from the room he was in.

"You buffoon," Moon said, pulling back and looking at him. She was crying. The flips Qibli's heart just did nearly sent him back into unconsciousness.

Qibli looked around to observe where he was. He was laying on a small bed - he remembered the name of it - and there were medical supplies on nearby end tables. The room he was in was actually the underground infirmary. It was cool, and relaxing to be in. The bed he was in was off-white, with a variety of plants and hides for padding. The surrounding furniture was the same white, with streaks of red for design and for symboling the infirmary. The floor, he noticed, was the smoothest in the whole school. Flat and shiny, somewhat similar to those in Queen Thorn's palace, though this was gray.

Qibli then noticed the other dragonets in the infirmary with him - Moon (seeing her again made him blush), Winter (maybe a little blush...who wasn't to say he wasn't handsome?), Kinkajou, and Clay, who was in a corner sorting out bandages and slings.

Qibli then realized he should probably assess himself, too. He looked down to see his body covered in scrapes and bruises, and there was a cut across his chest that was still bleeding slightly. Bandages were fastened around all of his limbs, and there was blood caked on his wings and talons. The front of his head was ringing with pain, and when he touched his snout, he felt a couple of places where the skin was softer than normal. At the very least, his earring was still attached, so that made him feel a bit better.

Other than that, Qibli figured it wouldn't take that long to recover. He struggled to a sitting position and leaned against the wall behind him.

"How are you feeling?" Kinkajou said, concerned. She approached him and sat on a stool next to his bed.

"Oh, you know...just the average soreness and head pains that make you want to claw your own face off. But really, it's nothing much," Qibli sighed. "Maybe that blow to the head will make me smarter than that," he said quietly.

"Is anyone going to explain what went down while I was gone?" Moon asked quietly. Qibli instantly was about to volunteer but Kinkajou beat him to it. The two huddled next to him as the RainWing explained every detail.

"I want you to take things slow," said a voice from the corner, now bounding over to his position. "That did really knock you out, so I don't want you bumping into walls now," Clay said. The MudWing applied some liniment to Qibli's wing, the coolness making him shiver.

"Hey, thanks, Clay," Qibli mentioned. "I'm...really sorry I got into this scenario. If only-"

"Oh hush," Kinkajou said. "You're the one who actually did the brave stuff. It wasn't even your fault - that NightWing pulled you outside and ambushed you. It just so happened to be you who was attacked."

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