1. UnityBall

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" 7th year students ! I'd like you to remain in your seats , I have important news to share " the new headmistress announced and waited for the younger students to leave the GreatHall "
" what's this about ?" Ron scoffed and rolled his eyes .
" now... I'd like to personally thank you all ... not only for your bravery and service in the events of last year but also for coming back to finish your studies.I know it's hard experiencing what no child should " the room echoed , the woman was right , it wasn't easy on them , the events of last year scared and even traumatized most of the students one way or another " and it breaks my heart to not see all of us today ..." tears began to well up in her eyes " anyway" she sniffed and straightened herself up " the news ... yes" she  rearranged her glasses and looked down at the paper before her " ... as headmistress I decided it would be a good idea to hold a celebratory ball" whispers and mutters began to fill the hall " The UnityBall " she said loud enough to quiet them down " to celebrate our victory and unuion between houses , now don't worry we won't be ballroom dancing " she chuckled and students started to laugh at the memory of the YuleBall "  I'd still prefer it if you would come dressed appropriately for a dance , The Daily Profet will be here taking a few photos.
The ball will be held in 1 week , here in the GreatHall from 10 pm to 1am" Students started to cheer in excitement.  " You're all dismissed!goodnight! " she left the podium with a subtle smile on her face .
Hermione looked at her  friends .Ginny looked very exited , the boys not so much . She wondered why .


" comme one Hermione we haven't got much time !" Ginny grabbed Hermione's hand and dragged her out of the GreatHall
" Gin the ball is in like 2 hours !" She said trying to keep up with the girl .
" I know I know but I'm so excited!!"
" well that's no reason to pull me ou-" Hermione stumbled right in someone , she was about to fall face flat when he caught her . " I'm so sorry!"She quickly brushed down her clothes and looked up only to see-
" it's fine " the tall blonde haired boy . She gulped, realizing who she had ran into " just try to be careful and watch were you're stepping next time " he said in a calm tone .
" ... I-I ... I will " she said a bit weirded " sorry again " she quickly said before running of to Ginny who was much more further.
" what's up with you ?"
" I just ran into Malfoy "
" wh- what does he want ? He better fuc-"
" he told me to be careful and watch where I'm going"
" well it's still rud-"
" he said it in a calm tone ,Gin . He caught me when I was about to fall " she said confuzed


About 2 hours later the two girls were ready and walking down to the GreatHall to meet with there boyfriends.
"Hi guys ! " Ginny said while running of to hug her boyfriend
"You look stunning! " said Harry as he spun her around
" you guys look quite charming yourselfs ! " said hermione as she approached
" hermione " Harry greeted " looking ravishing as always !" She rolled her eyes as always
" Ron ! Doesn't she look great ?!" Said Ginny
"Yeah , she does ..." he said with a bored look on his face " anyway, let's go , dont want McGonagall to throw a fit because were late ... " he said going for the GreatHall .
"did I do something wrong?" She looked at the couple
" honestly, Mione , I don t know what's up with him lately ..." said Harry as he grabbed Ginnys hand and started to make there way to the GreatHall .
They finally got to the dors of the great hall where they were greated by house elf's that we're giving away champagne , Hermione wasn't very keen on the idea of house elfs being servers but it would be better than being treated like slaves by some pureblood family , anyway , she made sure to thank them for the glass.
As the dors opend  the girls mouths fell wide open while the boys looked unbothered, it was beyond beautiful , the ceiling was absolutely gorgeous, looked like a beautiful starry sky . In the middle of the room was the dance flor and to its right was a small stage for the preformers. The rest of the hall was full of round tables with a beautiful shimmery black sheet and silver tablewear .
After looking around they  finally found a table where they decided to sit at , they were also joined by Neville and Luna .
After chatting for a while everyone was sat down , that's when the headmistress came out to greet them  .
" Good evening students! I hope you are all here , it would be a shame to miss such a beautiful night , I don't want to keep you waiting to much , just want to remind you to have fun , not too much ... " she gave a chuckle " have an amazing evening " she said toasting  her glass and than making her way back to the other professors .
The lights dimmed down and colorful ones came out and played around the room while the band started playing music .
Everyone was having a blast , dancing , singing along the popular songs , having a good time with there friends , everyone, except Ron of course . The haul night he sait alone at the table drinking glass after glass , bottle after bottle.
For a while , Hermione tryed not minding him ,she didn't want to ruin her night , knowing the way he acted when he drank , but the party was almost over , it was about 11:45 and people we already leaving .
" hey guys , il go check on Ron! " She said while leaving the dance floor
"Look Ron , can you at least come and enjoy the rest of the night with us ! " She sat down next to him
He didn't say anything, he just rolled his eyes at her .
" I don't know what up with you lately , you're so rude and you barely even talk to us anymore and- "
" you know Hermione... I've been thinking and we should break up "
Hermione was at a loss of words , she knew something was on his mind but not that ...
" things were way easier before we got together and I think it should stay that way ..." he got up from his seat " enjoy the rest of your night " he said while heading out .
Hermione didn't know what to do , Ginny saw her and quickly came over .
" what happened?" She said sitting down
" he-he broke up with me ..." She mumbled
"That bloody bast-"
" don't! He's right , things were better between us when we weren't together..."
" still I don'- "
" Ginny it okey ... he's right , try to enjoy the rest of your night with Harry , I'm going to take some fresh air ..." She got up and grabbed her champagne glass
" okey , Harry and I were thinking to go hang out in the commun room and then go to bed ... I guess we'll see you tomorrow "
" yeah , goodnight ! " She said while turning her back and heading for the front entry .

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