Chapter 1

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hiii. i just wanted to say this is just a warning it was my first fanfic and it was a mess and it might be a waste of your time idk. pleasee don't judge me off of this book (unless you like it) and check out some of my recent books too! so yeah enjoy!

I wake up in my big purple bedroom and pull the covers back, standing up on the wooden floors. Still in my pajamas, I walk down the stairs into the living room to find all 11 boys and mahogany looking at me, in my pajamas. They all turned to me, and I slowly exited the room but bolted up the stairs to get ready.

I quickly brushed out my long brown hair and threw on a pair of white high wasted shorts and a black 'Jack & Jack' t shirt I got from their last event. I come back downstairs to all of the boys laughing, Mahogany was in the kitchen.

"Why is everyone here?" I asked, sitting on the couch next to my big brother Jack Gilinsky. The boys hadn't all been in one place since the last magcon event.

"Well, if you must know, Madison, we're having a reunion tour," Jack said, not even giving me a glance.

"Ooo, do I get to go again this year?" I asked, excited. I got to go to a couple last year and had loved it.

"If you want, I guess," Jack said rolling his eyes.

"Come on, Jack, it's fun when Maddie goes, admit it," Matt said from across the room.

"I never said it wasn't fun, just as long as she doesn't make it weird," Jack said.

"Whatever. Do you want to come out to lunch with us, Maddie?" Cam asked standing up.

All the boys had always called me Maddie except for my brother, he always called me Madison. I was occasionally called something crazy like Maddog or Mads, but it was usually by Hayes or Matt.

"Sure, let me just grab my vans," I said, heading upstairs. I grabbed the purple vans Johnson had gotten me for my last birthday and slipped them on. Heading out the door with the rest of the guys and Mahogany, I put on some black Ray Bans, mentally preparing myself for crazy fans.
Hey guys! So I'm Gabby and this is my first fan fiction, but I write imagines a lot so yeah. My instagram is @magconimaginessx so go check it out and tell me what you think of it so far!

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