Part 4

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Chapter 4

First day of Classes Outfit: red shirt with Dalmatian print scarf, black ripped pants and white boots.

"I can't believe we almost had it." Mal said drawing the wand in her notebook.

"I can't believe we were almost caught." Jay muttered, he'd always been a master of stealing and couldn't believe his skills almost failed.

"I can't believe they haven't figured out it was us."

"Camilla!" Evie whisper-shouted, though no one else was in the classroom to hear her.

"Oh come on, this is Auradon. No one steals here and on our first day the museum has a 'malfunction' in its security system? We're lucky they haven't thrown us into the ocean and made us swim back to the Isle!" she told the others from across the table.

"Good morning!" Fairy Godmother welcomed as she walked into the classroom, past the desks and approached the blackboard, "Now today I've prepared some scenarios, let's get started shall we?" she said with a bright smile. Ugh, Camilla thought, it was too early to smile, too early for even an evil smirk, in her opinion. And too bright, she added as a side thought, why was Auradon so much brighter? It gave her a headache.

"You find a starving child stealing your food do you, A: turn them into a llama? B: steal their voice? C: command off with their head? or D: share what you have?"

Camilla smirked at the Fairy Godmother's combination of villainous acts. She passed most of the class daydreaming about the hilarity of Yzma, Ursula and the Queen of Hearts teaming up. The three women would never get anything done, they'd spend the whole time arguing over who's ideas were better. Camilla knew this because once they'd all actually had a screaming match in the marketplace back on the Isle. Camilla had been very young –Carlos wasn't even born yet – when she hid behind her mother's thick coat as Cruella watched what she called an entertaining display. 

"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you, A: curse it? B: lock it in a tower? C: give it a bottle? Or D: carve out it's heart?"

Camilla rolled her eyes for what felt like the millionth time, luckily Fairy Godmother couldn't see from where she was sitting behind her brother. Evie raised her hand eagerly and Fairy Godmother called on her.


"What was the second one?"

"Oh, okay." Fairy Godmother said not wanting to flat out call Evie's answer wrong, though even Camilla could tell it was. When no one raised their hand Fairy Godmother called on Mal.


"C: give it a bottle."

"Correct, again." Fairy Godmother said smiling and Camilla swore she saw the light twinkle off her perfect teeth.

"You are on fire girl." Carlos commented.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun." Mal shrugged going back to her drawing.

"Oh, that makes so much sense." Evie said. Then Camilla heard a small shriek and turned to see a girl entering the classroom. She looked scared out of her wits as she approached Fairy Godmother. Camilla took a good look at the girl, she wore a light blue dress with a huge matching bow on her head. Her dark hair was cut to her chin. She quickly walked past them with wide eyes that never dared to look up.

"Hello dear one." Fairy Godmother greeted her.

"Hi. You need to sign off on early dismissal for the coronation." She said handing Fairy Godmother a clipboard.

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