Part 16

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Chapter 16

The next time Camilla entered the living room her mother had finished her lunch and was now sitting on the red leather couch with her long cigarette holder in one hand and another glass of gin in the other. She kept taking sips between puffs and was facing away from her daughter when Camilla entered the room.

"Darling, I heard voices." Nothing new there, "Were you speaking to someone?"  She must have heard our laughter, Camilla thought.

"Just a friend –"

"Which friend?"

"No one, mother. He's –"

"He?" she shrieked and stood from the couch turning to her daughter, Camilla swallowed nervously. Her mother's moods had been even more unpredictable since Carlos' betrayal. Camilla tried to tip-toe around her mother's triggers but she may have just begun digging a grave for herself.

"What have I told you your whole life?" Cruella asked shaking her cigarette holder and approaching her. She must have meant the question to be rhetorical because she answered it before Camilla could utter a single syllable.

"Darling you do not need a man. Why should any woman confine herself to wretched true love?" she spat.

"Mother –" she began trying to talk her mother down before she plunged headfirst into her lecture. But it didn't do any good Cruella came down on her daughter like a vulture. Every step she took closer Camilla took one back until she backed into the table and found herself trapped by her mother's infamous glare.

"Do you realize we've lost more good women to marriage than war, famine and disease combined? My dear you are beautiful and smart and the only thing you need in life is revenge and a gorgeous fur! No, no darling, De Vil women do not waste our time with men." Cruella sneered taking another sip of gin and returning to the couch.


The next day Camilla found herself back on the roof. Her mother's words kept bouncing around in her head. You don't need a man. Camilla had always considered herself lucky that her mother's message was so different from Evie's. She would have hated to have been stuck with a mother who demanded that all she find in life was a prince. Then she heard boots hit the floor behind her. Even if she had been the Evil Queen's daughter she still would be a let down, after all she hadn't found a prince –she'd found a pirate. And said pirate had just arrived.

"Captain." she greeted without turning around.

"Camilla." He said as he approached her from behind and leaned against the rail beside her just as he had the previous day. "Ye look like yer thinking hard about something."

She turned to look at him and immediately knew she couldn't confide in him what her mother had told her. She saw the Auradon skyline from over his shoulder and he caught her staring at it.

"Do you have any idea what it feels like in that wretched place?" she asked still staring at the tall castle that looked like it could touch the sky. "You feel so out of place, and once I saw how much the others were fitting in I just started to feel. . . alone. Like I was in the middle of a war, surrounded by enemies and not an ally in sight."

"Yeh have allies here. Even though we all loot and steal from each other. We can still bond together when it counts." Her only reply was a scoff as she tore her gaze from Auradon and lent back against the rail.

"I mean it." Harry pushed, "Yeh haven't been walking the streets like I have. Everyone saw what yeh did at the coronation, how ye chose the Isle – yeh chose them –over Auradon and they respect ye for that. Whether they live on Mal's old turf or Uma's. Ye be the one they know will stay loyal to us all, and strive for our common goal."

"Do you know what really made me leave Auradon?" she asked and he shook his head, "I had no place there even as a villain. Everyone has these grand revenge schemes – people they want to get back at and I . . . don't. All my mother ever did, still wants to do, is turn people's pet's into clothing. I'm not sure if I want that. I know I enjoy being wicked, but truthfully, the Isle feels like the only place where I can be myself. Going to Auradon felt like I didn't belong with the good, and I had no one to seek revenge on. It only illuminated the fact that I'm an outcast among outcasts."

She had no idea why she was telling him all this. Villain or hero it was never the best idea to dump all your baggage on a guy. You don't need a man. Her mother had said, so if her drama scared him away, oh well, she'd do without him. She was strong enough to fend for herself, she was an independent woman. Her mother was right, she didn't need a man. . . . . . but she wanted one. She wanted Harry Hook. He just. . .got it. Ugh, even in her head that sounded so Auradon she almost gagged. But it was true. She could perfectly picture him wrapping his strong arms around her on the dreary roof as they plotted revenge, schemed and were wicked.

When she looked back up at him she caught him staring at her, the dark black lines around his eyes making his irises glow and it was easy for Camilla to get lost in them. There was a deeper look in his eyes that she couldn't place. She'd never seen anyone look at her like that, with. . . admiration? No, that wasn't it, but it was the closest thing Camilla knew. The only thing she could compare it to. Then her breath caught as she realized that during her analyzing Harry had been leaning in closer to her. She froze, having no real idea what to do. Should she stop him? Push him away? Something inside told her no, let him get close - though she had no idea what part of her brain that came from. Before she could worry about it anymore his lips captured hers and she unfroze – more accurately, she melted.  His mouth moved slowly against hers letting her fall gently into the mood he'd set. His lips were chapped and tasted like salt water. She felt his leather-clad hand come up and rest against her jaw keeping her face close to his as he deepened the kiss. Her own arms moved without her telling them to, they reached up and wrapped around his neck. Harry must have taken it as a good sign because his free had moved to her waist and pulled her against him. Needless to say they stayed like that on the roof of Hell Hall for a very long time.

Basically spent this whole chapter listening to "Kiss the Girl" from the Descendants 2 soundtrack. (hehe)

Let me know what you guys think of this chapter. Did I get Cruella right? What do you think about Camilla's thoughts on Auradon?

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