Part 29

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Chapter 29

When they reached the main deck Uma called Harry over. He dragged Carlos along and Camilla followed behind them.

"Who gets to go over first Capt'n?" Harry asked when they reached Uma and Ben. Harry shoved Carlos over to Camilla who took hold of his tied hands, Harry then slashed Ben off the main mast with his hook and grabbed him by the collar.

"Well, killing a king is more of a main event." She said turning her gaze to Carlos, "Good thing we have an opening act." she smirked and Carlos began to look nervous.

"Hey guys!" Gil called from the crows nest, "They're here!" he shouted with glee and they turned to see a purple head approaching the ship. Uma turned to Harry.

"But on the other hand. . ." she trailed off nodding at Ben and Harry nodded in understanding.

"Welcome!" He cried with a smile as he pushed Ben toward the plank.

"Finally!" Uma called doing little jumps of joy. Camilla snapped her fingers and Starkey came over and took Carlos and held him back so he wouldn't run. Camilla joined Uma by the dock, standing on her Captain's left while Gil jumped down by her right. All her anger toward Mal returned the instant she caught sight of her and she rested her hand on the hilt of her sword ready for a fight.

"Let's get this party started. I swear I'm cold hearted. There's no negotiation, I'm not here for debatin'. You need some motivation? Just look at Ben's face then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient. I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks. You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart." Uma threatened.

"Let's all just be smart, although for you that must be hard. You'll get your wand, no one has to come to any harm. Don't try to intimidate. Your bark is much worse than your bite. Who's the baddest of them all? I guess we're finding out tonight!" Mal yelled back.

"Let's go. Bring it on. Better give us what we want. It's the wand for the crown, if you don't it's going down." The pirates chanted.

"Let's go, make your move. Peace or war? It's up to you. Give 'em up and do it now. If you don't it's going down." The VK's replied and Camilla noticed Lonnie among them.

"We want the wand, or else the king is gone. You're time is running out you should really watch your mouth."

"Let's go pound for pound. We're prepared to stand our ground. Put your swords up, put 'em up, it's going down."

The crew started banging their swords on the deck as they chanted yo-ho's along with, "Make the trade or walk the plank." The VK's swarmed Mal as Gil bowed making way for his captain. Then the dragon witch turned back to Uma who had walked onto the bridge with Camilla behind her.

"Okay look this is not a conversation. It's a do or die situation. If you don't give me back the king, I'll have no hesitation. I'll serve you right here and I don't need a reservation. That way your whole 'pirate crew' can have a demonstration. Release him now and we can go our separate ways. Unless you wanna deal with me and the VK's?"

As Mal had been speaking Harry had made his way over smiling with evil glee. Uma leaned on the rail, her elbows resting on the wood as Camilla laughed between the captain and the first mate, "So that's your big speech huh? An empty ultimatum?" she said as she ran her finger along Harry's chin.

"All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate him." Harry said advancing on Mal, Jay instantly went into protective big brother mode and also moved closer to Mal ready to have her back. It hurt Camilla because she remembered a time when he would do the same for her. "Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him. And if he even starts to slip I'll eliminate him! All it takes is one wrong look and I'll –"

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