Part 53

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Chapter 53

It wasn't until they were back at Auradon Prep that Mal caught up with them as they were crossing the lawn.

"Uma! Uma! Stop! Please stop!" she said running in front of them and blocking their way, "I need your help, we have a chance if we do this together."

"Your friends kick you to the curb?" she asked, "Good."

But Uma's answer didn't deter Mal, "Ben saw something in you and today Uma I saw it too, you care! Uma you care about everybody and. . . Auradon is worth saving. Help us. Please." She begged.

Harry looked from Uma's blank stare to Mal's desperate one, "You talk pretty, but she's already made up her mind." He said as Mal looked to him then to Camilla with tear trails down her face though she wasn't crying anymore, she refused to in front of Mal. The dragon witch was at least clever enough to know her old friend wouldn't help her on this. Not after she'd found out Mal had been the one to suggest closing the barrier for good and ruining any chance of Carlos and Camilla ever living peacefully together again.

"You brought this on yourself Mal." Uma said, "You figure out how to fix it. Let's go."

Uma took the lead again walking off to find Gil. Harry and Camilla followed behind her lingering in their own moment. Camilla looked at her feet as they walked and started to hum to herself before the melody left her lips.

"Every step, every word, with every hour I was falling in." Camilla began softly, "To something new, something brave, to someone I, I have never been. If only I knew what my, heart was, telling me. Don't know what I'm feeling, is this just a bad dream? Ah oh, yeah. . . "

Harry rubbed up and down her arm before he took over, "Were we crazy? That maybe, it could happen?"

She turned to him as his arm dropped from her shoulders and she took his hand and intertwined their fingers, "Will you, still be, with me, when the magic's all run out?"

He brought their hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles as they followed after Uma. They were just at the opposite end of the lawn, about to go through the trees and head off toward the castle and the museum hoping Gil would be there when they heard a scream.

"Help me Mal!"

"That sounds like Celia." Camilla said as Uma turned on her heel.

"Yeah save your little friend Mal!" came Audrey's voice and a moment later they heard a dragon roar and they ran back the way they'd just come.

"Help me Mal!" they heard Celia shout again as they looked up into the sky and saw the purple dragon that was Mal. She had the ember in her claws and blew fire at it trying to get it to light but it wouldn't.

"She doesn't stand a chance without the ember." Uma said.

"Help me Mal!" Celia cried.

"Come on!" Uma said and they followed Mal and saw her circle a tower where a figure in pink and black was – Audrey. Uma took her necklace in her hand and it glowed.

"We're stronger together." She said before looking up at Mal in the sky, "Stronger together, I'm right here Mal."

The dragon heard her and looked down at the three of them.

"Regain your might and ignite." Uma said the spell Mal had tried before, "I'm right here girl.  Right here. Regain your might and ignite!"

Then the ember began to glow again and Uma cheered and Camilla swore she saw the dragon smile.

"Yes!" Harry shouted as Mal flew back up to the tower to face off with Audrey. They saw a bolt of pink lightning clash with the blue light of the ember and it seemed to push the pink light back.

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