Part 42

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Chapter 42

Celia had wandered off while the others had been crying over Harry. She was curious as to what else the Evil Queen was keeping in her castle besides poison apples. Celia was always playing an angle, always looking for a means to become greater, badder and being in the home of one of the greatest villains of all time was not an opportunity she was about to pass up. Eventually, she'd wandered lower into the queen's dungeons and found the old potion chamber where she'd turned herself into a hag to trick Snow White and where once upon a time she'd brewed her poison apples. At one end of the potion room part of the wall was covered in a blue tarp and she couldn't fight off the urge to go over and tear it down. When she did she was amazed, it was the magic mirror. She thought Evie had taken it with her to Auradon but upon closer inspection she saw a small piece in the bottom right curve had been removed, a piece that would be able to fit into your hand. The queen had only given her daughter a part of the mirror the rest had been down here the whole time. Celia walked up to it and saw her reflection, she wondered if that tiny bit of magic that had gotten in after the Royal Coronation had been enough to make the mirror work. She saw along the frame words carved in a text that not many knew, it was the language her dad had taught her, the one he used to contact his friends on the other side.

"The age can be wicked to those who walk alone." She read, "When I look into the mirror I see myself as I wish to become."

Then she looked at the reflective surface and saw a small shimmer of magic as she woke the being within and she smirked.

"What wouldst thou know? She who summons me?" the voice in the mirror said. 

"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most powerful of them all?"

Then the mirror came to life and showed her a bright blue light. She saw a cave with the words 'Get Lost' written above the locked door. She saw the key and where it was hidden on the Isle and she saw the bright blue ember and flaming cerulean hair. She smirked knowing that was the score of the century, if she could find a way to work for the baddest of the bad then her reputation as the best wouldn't be far away.

"Celia?" she heard and the mirror went blank again as she turned away and saw Freddie and Uma enter the room. They looked around knowing the significance of the place as well as she did before they saw her.

"Hey guys." She said casually not wanting them to know what she'd been up to, "Think this will help us find Camilla?" she asked pointing over her shoulder at the mirror.

"Way to go Celia." Freddie said bringing her arm over her shoulders with a smile as Uma walked up to the mirror.

"Mirror mirror before my eyes. Show me where Camilla De Vil lies." She said and the mirror rippled showing them the location of their friend.


They had brought Harry back to the Lost Revenge so he could rest and regain his strength. They all knew when they went after Camilla there'd be no way Harry would stay behind and if he was going to come he needed all the rest he could get. He was sitting up on the edge of his bed with CJ sitting beside him and Harriet standing on his other side. The girls were trying to convince him to lie down and get some rest but he kept shaking his head saying he'd gotten enough sleep while under that curse and he couldn't let Camilla keep suffering under the same torture for another minute.  Meanwhile, Uma was back at her desk in the captain's quarters with the Facilier sisters, Gil and Diego De Vil. They were all looking at a map of the Isle while they planned the best attack, Uma had filled them in on what the magic mirror had shown her and said Camilla was being held in Madame Medusa's boathouse in the swamps of the Isle which were conveniently on the opposite side furthest away from Pirate's Bay and Goblin Wharf. They all could see the genius behind each move Cruella had made, she put both Harry and Camilla under the same spell so neither one could wake the other, she'd teamed up with other big name villains and now she'd stashed her daughter in what seemed to be the perfect location on the side of the Isle furthest from her friends and in a swamp full of crocodiles.

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