Part 36

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Chapter 36

"Harry!" his sister called from the other side of the ship, now down from the rigging and on solid decks, her dark hair blowing with the salty breeze coming off the water.

"Aye?" he replied as he clapped off the dirt from his hands as he approached her.

"CJ's not inside, did you see where she went?"

"I'm not the runt's babysitter." He replied taking out his father's hook from his jacket.

"Well I can't leave until the ship is repaired and someone needs to find her." Harry was about to snap back that he wasn't going to waste his time with CJ but then he thought that he could use a break from the work and it would give him an excuse to sneak over to Camilla's and visit her.

"Fine, but ye owe me one." He said shaking the tip of the hook at her before taking his leave. Instead of looking for CJ he headed straight to Hell Hall, it had been a while since he'd scaled the mansions walls and he was looking forward to the challenge. He tucked his father's hook away back in his jacket when he'd finally crossed the Isle and made it to Woeful Way. He stopped at the end of one alley to check and make sure he wouldn't be spotted, from what Camilla had told him Cruella was as mad as a hatter in the worst possible way and judging from the bear traps she set up in her closet to protect her furs he knew the last thing he wanted was to get caught by the madwoman. When he was double checking the house something  - or rather someone caught his eye and he was overcome by shock. Crawling through one of the first floor windows was a small blonde girl with her hair in a high ponytail– CJ. Dumb runt, he thought, what was she doing here – causing trouble obviously, but out of all the places to loot she had to pick the DeVil place? He sighed and considered walking away leaving her to her own mayhem but something inside him tugged at his heart. She was his baby sister and he should be protecting her, it's what his father would have expected of him and it would be bad form to turn his back on her. If it was anyone but Cruella, he thought, then he'd leave her but he wouldn't be able to bare the shame of leaving CJ to whatever tortures that woman could concoct. Besides, if he left her alone he'd be no better than Carlos who had left his sister behind to bleed to death.

He quickly and quietly made his way across the street, over the black iron gate and into the yard. He was able to hop onto the windowsill easier than little CJ and found himself in the kitchen. It's black and white checkered tile floors, white walls and black countertops would have been impressive if it all wasn't covered in food and crumbs, most likely left over from Cruella's piggish minions. He made his way through the halls as best he could but he was at a disadvantage of not knowing the layout of the house, the only rooms he'd been in before were the kitchen and Camilla's room, the rest was a mystery to him. Then he heard a metallic snap and a high pitched eep! and followed the sound to his sister. She was just inside the door to a huge walk in closet with her two daggers in her hands and several patches of fur at her feet. She looked to be unharmed, her quick dueling reflexes saving her from losing a leg to one of Cruella's bear traps that were scattered across the floor below her precious furs. Hanging –though barely – from their hangers were at least half a dozen of her fur coats that had been slashed to ruins. If Harry hadn't been involved with Camilla he would have congratulated his baby sister on a job well done. However the circumstances were not that ideal and before CJ could slice another fur she turned and saw him coming down the hall. Instead of looking afraid that she'd been caught she looked angry.

"What are you doing here?" she sneered putting her daggers away in her belt.

"What am I doin' here?" he asked amazed, "Are ye out of yer mind runt? If Cruella finds ye –"

"Don't give me that! You don't' care about me, you want to steal my moment! If I can pull this off I'll finally have a name for myself on this Isle that doesn't include being in you or Harriet's shadow."

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