Part 19

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Chapter 19

Camilla had hurried down to Pirate's Bay as fast as she could once she heard the news. The whole Isle was abuzz with the latest –it was the biggest thing to happen on the Isle since the VK's had been invited to Auradon. She could feel the change as she walked through the alleys strewn with pirates. Instead of the usual stealing and shouting, plundering and looting the pirates all sat around on barrels or stools, their hats covering their faces as they looked at the ground solemnly. The few who did look up as she passed gave her tiny nods which she returned – all villaindom had lost a great icon.

It didn't take her long to reach the Jolly Roger, docked at its usual spot, it's crew as dreary as the other pirates. As Camilla walked up the wooden planks to the ship she caught a glance of Uma leaning over the side staring at the horizon. Over the past month she and Uma hadn't exactly gotten along but they hadn't been wicked to each other either. Slowly Camilla approached her, she knew the sea witch saw her coming but she didn't turn her head to acknowledge her arrival.

"How is he?" Camilla asked quietly.

"Irritable." Uma replied shortly, then she took a deep breath and elaborated, "He hasn't come out of his room and anyone who tries to go in gets some blunt object thrown at their head."

"That's better than throwing swords and hooks."

"That's all he's doing, staring at his father's hook in his hands. It's all he has left of him." she paused, "I'm the only one he's let in but I don't' think he even hears what I say."

There was a long silence as they both looked out at the ocean thinking of the pain Harry must be going through. Comfort was never a villain's strong point and they were having difficulty figuring out what to do for him. Finally, Uma broke the silence.

"Look, I know we haven't really gotten along, but hey, we're villains what do you expect? But. . . . . if you could talk to him, help him? It would mean a lot to me. . . he's my oldest friend." Uma asked turning to look at Camilla who was shocked. She never thought Uma would ever ask for her help.  

"I'll do my best." She said, "I don't like to see him hurting either." They each gave the other a small nod before Camilla headed for Harry's room. Once she was gone Uma looked around. Several of the crew were looking at her, having overheard the conversation and seen the softer side of the ruthless girl.

            "What are you all looking at?! Quit lolly-gaggin! Back to work!" she shouted.

Camilla took a deep breath before she entered Harry's room, when she finally collected the courage to open the door she did it slowly so she didn't startle him. He was sitting by the large window at the opposite end of his room sitting on an old wooden desk with several maps, some gold coins and a small telescope. She saw him turn his head ever so slightly to look out of the corner of his eye at whoever had dared to enter.  When he saw it was her he turned back to the window lifting his right hand and placing an empty rum bottle on the desk – if it had been anyone but her or Uma he probably would have used the bottle as another projectile to banish another crew member from his chamber. Camilla slowly shut the door behind her and walked over to him, she sat on the other end of the desk and placed a hand on his right shoulder. From the angle she was sitting she could see him looking at the hook in his left hand. She let plenty of time pass so Harry could adjust to her presence before she started to speak.

"I know the pain you're going through." She began, choosing her words carefully. "I remember what it felt like when I lost my brother. . . .I know it's not the same thing but at least your father didn't choose to leave you, didn't choose to abandon you. " she took another pause, it was still difficult to tell him everything she felt, she was breaking a golden rule of villainy – you never show your weaknesses.

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