Part 54

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Chapter 54

Camilla stayed up in the crows nest until the sun had set. The Isle might be a dirty, run down, disgusting place to live but there were still small things about it that were beautiful and from way up in the crows nest the sunset was definitely one of those things.

She'd gone to Harry's quarters after night had fallen and the decks were nearly silent, just the occasional crew member lingering around. Uma was nowhere in sight, she probably went back to the chip shop with Gil. When she found Harry he was by his window looking out at the sea, she wondered if he was thinking about his dream of sailing the seven seas and how once Mal closed the barrier for good any chance of that dream coming true would be gone. She slowly walked up behind him not wanting to startle him and when she made it to his side and sat beside him he wrapped an arm over her shoulders.

"I'm sorry." Harry said not taking his eyes from the sea. Camilla's head turned to him in shock, since when did villains apologize? Especially Harry Hook? Then he took a deep breath and turned to her, "I know yeh wanted it ta work out with yer brother."

She took his hand and looked down at their fingers as she played with his. Then she gave a shrug but didn't look up. "It just feels bittersweet." She admitted, "We finally sorted everything out. . . and now we'll never see each other again."

Harry watched her playing with their fingers, intertwining them then slipping his through hers then intertwining them again. He bit his lip before he said anything. "I shouldn't have told 'em ye died." He said quietly and his statement made her pause and look up at him. "I was bitter. I wanted him ta hurt. I thought maybe then he'd know what it felt like for ya when ye came back to the Isle and felt alone."

"You didn't have to do that." She replied softly, "I can fight my own battles."

He sighed, "I know. But I still remember how yeh looked, when I came through yer window and found ya crying. I know deep in ya you wanted to forgive him, he's family and all. But I didn't want ya to forgive him, he hadn't earned it."

"And now?"

He sighed again, "When we were leaving the cottage and the truth came out, I thought he would ask you to stay with him. I was. . ." he paused and swallowed making his Adam's apple bob, "I was scared Camilla. I've never been scared before." He admitted, "Even when you were bleeding to death I had so much adrenaline in me and was so bent on finding a way to save yeh there wasn't room in me to be scared, and after I just felt broken til the moment ya woke up. But when I thought, for a moment yeh might pick yer kin and stay in Auradon, it made me feel even colder then the day me Da died."

She stared at him for a moment trying to take in everything he was saying. She had always guessed Harry's emotions, he wasn't afraid to show them to her and she could always tell what he felt by the look in his eyes. But for him to admit all his feelings out loud, admitting every time he'd felt weak, it showed how much he trusted her, that he knew she wouldn't turn and use his feelings against him.

"So that was my brother's redeemable moment to you?" she asked understanding what he was trying to explain. "When he told me to come back to the Isle with you. When he gave up something that would make him happy because I couldn't be happy without you and our life here."

Harry looked away his eyes cast down at the wooden frame of the window as he used his nail to dig into the wood. "I always thought he was so selfish. Staying in Auradon instead of by your side. Running when you needed help just to take King Ben back to safety. But that, what he did. . . yer brother doesn't like me and he still told you to leave him to come with me. Even I wouldn't be strong enough to do that."

She smiled and brought her arm to his shoulder and he looked up at her from under the dark hair covering his eyes. "You'll never have to." She said before leaning in and giving him a kiss.

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