Part 49

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Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

"It can't get wet!" Mal shouted in clear desperation, "Give it back before it goes out!"

But Uma only laughed as she bobbed in the water.

"Uma!" Harry and Gil said simultaneously both in shock, having never seen Uma in her mothers octopus form before.

"That's my name." Uma said with a wave as Camilla brought her hands to her hips and smirked from where she stood between Harry and Carlos. Harry and Gil exchanged a look before Uma submerged in the water, the ember tightly in her grasp.

"No!" Mal shouted again as the water grew and turned foggy as Uma used her magic. Then the wave burst and splashed them and they all looked over the edge for Uma.

"Hi boys." Uma's voice called and they all turned to see her on the other side of the bridge behind them. She had the ember – still glowing with power – between her fingertips as she wiggled it teasingly. Harry chuckled and pointed his hook at her and the three of them joined their captain on the other side of the bridge.

"Welcome back." Harry said evilly as he fist to hook bumped Uma.

"Uma, you swam off and forgot all about us." Gil said sounding hurt.

"Yeah, planning her revenge no doubt." Mal said crossing her arms.

"It's not all about you Mal." Uma said and Mal lifted a brow, "I was looking for a hole in the barrier, to let everybody out? And you know what I found boys?" she asked turning to her crew, "It's way better out there then we thought. Camilla, when you were there did you ever hear of this furry rock? They call it a coconut."

"Mm-hmm." She nodded, "And did you try chocolate?"

Uma's eyebrows rose into her forehead, "Didn't have the chance. But I did see fish so big you could dance on their backs." She said turning back to Mal's gang, "And they've been keeping it all for themselves."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Harry clicked his tongue wagging his finger before he brought his hand to wrap around Camilla's waist.

"Whatever." Mal shrugged it off, "Uma I need that to break a spell."

"Cast by Audrey, Sleeping Beauty's daughter." Carlos explained and it was Camilla's turn to look shocked.

"That prissy pink princess who mocked me?" Camilla asked earning all eyes on her and she could feel Harry's anger as he learned she'd been bullied by this girl. Camilla hadn't forgotten how Audrey would sing that terrible song as she'd walk past her in the halls of Auradon Prep replacing Cruella's name with her own. "What did she do? Have her mother's fairies turn everyone into flowers? Or turn everyone's clothes from pink to blue?" she mocked.

"She stole Maleficent's scepter and is putting people to sleep." Carlos said and Camilla's laughter stopped, she knew from experience how terrible it was being under a sleeping curse. She wasn't looking forward to that again. She felt Harry tense up beside her, clearly thinking the same thing.

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