Part 23

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Chapter 23

Camilla rolled her eyes as Mal's glowing princessy form appeared on tv. That's all they'd been showing, Mal, Ben, Royal Cotillion, Mal, Ben, Mal, Mal, Mal. It drove her insane! "They dined with Aladdin and Jasmine. . ." It repeated as she slammed the power button turning the broadcast off. Gil passed behind her with a new tray of food and put his hand on her shoulder. When she looked at him he gave her his usual goofy grin and a nod. She nodded back and his smile widened before he moved on getting himself a seat so he could dig in.

Camilla took a look around the chip shop, Gil was munching, Uma was collecting dirty trays between insulting the customers and the rest of the crew were either playing the organ that was on stage or throwing knives and sharpened star fish at the dart board – which had been covered with a poster of princess Mal that now had several holes from the darts that had been launched at it. She took a deep breath and had to fight hard to keep the smirk on her face from turning into a smile. Who needed Mal? She had everything she could ever need right here, the only thing missing was Harry.


Harry had just finished pilfering from Facilier's Shop, Frollo's Creperie, Shan Yu's Dim Sung and Hades' Slovanki Down Under and was heading to his last regular 'client' before he made his way back to the ship.

"Fork it over, ya runt." He said as he entered Lady Tremaine's Curl Up and Dye. He held his hand out expectantly and little Dizzy handed over the cash in her hand. He banged his hook against the metal counter.

"And the rest of it." He demanded. The runt's head dropped in disappointment, but hey that was life, a whole Isle of disappointment – at least until you worked your way to the top. There was a high pitched ching as the drawer opened and Harry put the blue and gold Auradon dollars between his teeth as Dizzy handed him more money.

"Thank you." He said presumptuously as he turned for the door. He hadn't noticed a pair of green eyes watching the exchange until the person spoke stopping him in his tracks.

"Still running errands for Uma? Or do you actually get to keep what you steal?" Mal said in the tone she used when she wanted to intimidate someone. Harry pulled the money from his teeth and looked at her in shock, he'd never expected to see her back.

"Well, well, well. What a nice surprise." He said as he turned to the traitor using his most seductive tone of voice. He knew no one could intimidate Mal so his next line of defense was always seduction, it was just an added bonus when it made Camilla jealous.

"Hi Harry." she replied unamused.

"Just WAIT until Uma hears you're back." He said approaching her, "She is never going to give ye back yer old territory." He said looking her up and down trying to find a weakness he could pick at, a nervous twitch of a finger, shifting from one foot to another – but Mal didn't back down easily.

"Oh, well, that's okay. Because I will be taking it." Harry chuckled humorlessly before running his hook through her purple hair.

"I could hurt ye." He threatened, "Like ye all hurt her." Mal grabbed his hook and her eyes widened. He knew she was smart enough to know who he was talking about but she quickly composed herself as she took her chewing gum from her mouth and stuck it to the end of his hook.

"Not without her permission I bet." She mocked and he smirked before bringing the hook to his lips and snatching the gum between his teeth as he turned to leave. Before he did he swiped his hand along the table and knocked everything to the ground in a messy clatter. Then, in good form, he bowed to Mal before taking his leave.


Harry had made a quick stop before returning to the chip shop, he had to pick up a present for Camilla. When he walked into Ursula's Fish and Chips he saw her harassing some customers who'd dare to complain about the food. He glanced at the far right wall where a sign read 'No Fighting. . . unless you think you can win'. And clearly, Camilla thought she could, Harry was too far away to hear what she was saying but watched as the customers eyes grew wide with fear before they threw some money on the table and rushed out of the shop, scurrying right by him. Camilla watched them leave with a look of victory when she noticed Harry was there. A smile lit up her face and Harry reveled in the fact that only he could fill her with such happiness. He sauntered over to her and placed a kiss on her cheek, as any pirate with good form would.

"What took you so long?" she asked knowing his daily plundering normally didn't take so much time.

"Had to stop for somethin'." He said gesturing to the long gift in his hand. He wished he could have properly wrapped it but being stuck on this miserable rock he had limited options. Luckily he'd found some old cloth in red and black – favorite colors that he and Camilla shared – and used that to quickly cover the gift.

"Is that for me?" Camilla asked skeptically. Presents were rare on the Isle, Harry knew the only other gift she'd ever received had been the white tiger pelt he'd given her some time ago.

"Aye." He said laying the gift on the table and watched eagerly as she unwrapped it. She gasped when she'd removed all the cloth and stared at the fine sword. It gleamed in the lighting of the shop and Camilla gently lifted it from the table. He'd had it specially made when he saw her take a deckhand's sword earlier and realized she didn't have one of her own. He'd visited the blacksmith who had made his father's hook and knew the man could be trusted to pay attention to the finest detail. The metal that made the guard had been pressed in various spots giving the impression of Dalmatian spots, the grip was also wrapped in a Dalmatian print ribbon, that he may or may not have nicked from Camilla's room at Hell Hall. It was a delicate blade but no less deadly, like the lady who wielded it, he thought. The scabbard which sheathed the blade was made of the finest red leather the Isle could provide and it attached to a white belt that even Harry knew would go well with Camilla's style.

"Do ye like it?" he asked after a moment had passed and she said nothing.

"It's perfect." She said in admiration still staring at the blade, as if she couldn't believe it was really hers. "Do you think I'll get a chance to use it soon?"

"Sooner than ye think." He replied his bad mood coming back as he remembered the events from earlier that day. "I just saw Mal at the Curl Up n' Dye."

Camilla turned to him with wide eyes not believing the news, a moment later Uma showed up to clear the table of the plates that had been left there.

"What's given you scurvy?" she asked noticing the look in Harry's eyes.

"Ye'll never believe who I ran into." He growled through clenched teeth.

"I'm not one for guessing games Harry." Uma replied as she brushed her hands on her apron.

"The purple haired poser we've been seein' all over the news." He said and not a full second later Uma took the tray off the table and literally threw it into the kitchen window. Cook barely had enough time to duck out of the way.

"Where?" Uma demanded slamming her hands on the table.

"Down at the Curl Up n' Dye."

"We need to get her. Before our window of opportunity closes." Uma sneered trying to quickly come up with a plan. "Did you see any of the others Harry?"

"No, it was just her and the step-sister girl."

"Then the others will be coming after her." Camilla piped up.

"We need to get Mal before she gets her crew for backup." Uma continued.

"Or we wait for the VK's to get here." Camilla suggested which earned her puzzled looks from both her boyfriend and Uma. "Think about it. We don't need to hurt Mal to get our revenge, we just need to hurt someone she cares about."

Evil grins spread on their faces as they looked at each other having another silent conversation.

"Go back to the ship." Uma instructed, "Keep a lookout for the VK's, I'll –"

"UMA!" they heard Ursula screech.

"I'll get there when I can." Uma finished sounding depressed. As the pair left the chip shop Camilla looked at Harry and asked.

"Are you chewing gum?"

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