Part 10

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Chapter 10

They'd all betrayed her.

"We're supposed to be rotten to the core." She whispered still stunned at what had happened to her friends. Their pleading looks immediately turned sad as they realized she wasn't joining them. Carlos looked the most broken, his sad puppy dog eyes shone with sadness as he dropped his hand and stepped toward her.

"Camilla –"

She took a step back and shook her head trying to keep herself together.

"You're really going to pick these people over your own family?"

"Please, sis –"

She shook her head more adamantly as she took a few more steps away from them

"You're no family of mine." She still whispered afraid if she spoke any louder her voice would crack and reveal her emotions. That awful crying feeling came back ten fold and she refused to let all of Auradon see her cry. She turned and ran from the room and out the doors. As she fled through the halls a few guards tried to stop her but their attention was drawn elsewhere when there was a loud crash and Camilla heard Maleficent's voice echo through the palace. "I'm back!"

It was such perfect timing, Maleficent would be the perfect distraction while Camilla ran. She remembered the map Carlos had shown them earlier and headed straight there. She needed the limo, or at least that gold button if she wanted to get back home. She was no longer safe here, she was a fugitive. She'd chosen evil over good in front of all of Auradon society and once the dust had settled they'd have every guard and knight out looking for her. She had to get home where she'd be surrounded by villains and Auradon couldn't get to her. Never before in her life had Camilla been thankful for the barrier but now she couldn't wait to be back under its protection.

When she found the limo the driver was nowhere to be seen, he was probably at the coronation as back-up security – lucky for her. She broke the window and grabbed the gold button from the drivers seat. Now it was just a matter of getting to the bridge.


Meanwhile at the coronation. . .

"Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" Fairy Godmother cried and everyone in the hall unfroze. Ben roared and ran down the center aisle when he was stopped by Mal.

"Okay, okay. We kind of got this all wrapped up here." She told him before he picked her up and spun her around.

"Next time I rescue you, okay?"

"Yeah let's not let there be a next time, okay?" she replied giving him a hug then tilting his crown. "I will be right back." Mal said as she headed for Jane and Fairy Godmother. Then Carlos saw the Beast approach a guard.

"Send word to our border patrol. Do not let Camilla De Vil leave but do not harm her, is that understood?"

"Yes sire." The guard said bowing before he left to round up his men to hunt down Camilla. Carlos knew he should be happy –they'd won against Maleficent, the evilest of them all. But in doing so and proving they were good at heart might have lost him his sister forever.


Camilla was breathing heavily by the time she'd reached the bridge. She'd thrown away her shoes and ran barefoot over the perfectly paved sidewalks and streets of Auradon. She looked across the ocean at the Isle, her salvation. She held up her arm and pressed the gold button, just as the bright magic began to form a path something sharp hit Camilla's hand forcing her to drop the magic button. It was an arrow, it hadn't touched her, just smacked the button out of her hand - only two people in Auradon had aim that good. When she turned around she saw a figure perched in a tree holding a bow. She couldn't see their body so they must have been wearing green to camaflouge themselves among the leaves, what Camilla could see was an unruly mop of red curly hair – Princess Merida.

Before the archer could notch another arrow Camilla took off down the golden bridge. She ran as fast as her tired feet could carry her until she felt broken glass, rocks and other garbage under her feet, a sign she was back on the Isle of the Lost. She stopped and turned around. The bridge was fading, no one was persuing her. She'd made it back home.


Her mother wasn't at Hell Hall when Camilla returned home. She must still be with the Evil Queen and Jafar, she thought. Good. Camilla could have her breakdown in the peace and privacy of her own home. She'd changed out of her coronation gown and threw it in the closet. Then she grabbed a red tank top and some comfy black pajama shorts, she threw on a Dalmatian print hoodie over it all and sat at her vanity pulling hairpins out of her bun. She ran her fingers through her loose hair and took a look at her reflection, it was no doubt the messiest she'd ever looked. Her eyes were sad and full of tears and the more she thought about what had happened the worse she felt. She tried to get angry enough to plot some kind of revenge but she just didn't have the energy.

Finally she gave in and balled her eyes out with her face in her hands feeling utterly miserable. She stopped when she heard her window squeak open and turned her back to the intruder. She was able to control her crying enough where she didn't make a sound, though the tears still fell in rivers down her face.

"You're back." He said and she heard his feet hit the floor as he jumped off the windowsill. "I saw the golden bridge and knew it could only be you."

He sounded happy, and it made her misery fade a bit. That he cared enough to be watching for her, to care enough to stop by and welcome her home. As she heard him approach she turned her head so her hair covered her face like a curtain. She didn't want him to see her cry, in every villain's eyes it was a sign of weakness, and she didn't want him to know she was weak, worse – that Auradon had weakened her.

"Camilla?" he asked knowing something was wrong when she refused to look at him. He knelt down by her and grabbed her chin making her look him in the eye. She saw a flash of rage right before he pulled her to him. He didn't ask why, he must have seen it when Auradon broadcasted the coronation. He knew about the others betrayal, he knew that was why she'd fled. She held him tight as the crying started again at the thought of her brother and former friends.

"Camilla." He growled, angered by her sadness, "I swear to you that all the people who have caused you pain will find themselves on the end of my hook."

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