Part 24

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Chapter 24

It hadn't taken Uma long to finish her shift and soon she had joined Harry and Camilla on the deck of the Lost Revenge. As she and Harry discussed plans Camilla shouted.

"Look!" and they both turned to see the golden bridge light up and create a temporary pathway from Auradon to the Isle. They all knew it must be the others so Uma gave Harry his orders and he left with Camilla to track them down. 


Gil had been out doing his usual business of plundering food from lesser villains, his crew often mocked how he was always eating but it had been something his father had always insisted on while he'd been growing up. "When I was a lad I'd eat four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large!" he'd rant as he went on about how important it was that Gil grow up to be big and strong like his father. "Only strength can impress women and kill a beast!" Gil had learned at an early age not to correct his father and say he actually didn't kill the beast, but that had been a whole 'nother lesson. As Gil turned away from another cart he looked back over his shoulder to make sure he hadn't been caught when he bumped into someone.

"Hey man." He said about to tell off the guy when he recognized something familiar about the teen, "Hey. . hey I know you."

"Uhhh, no. Don't know you either man." The guy said casually as his crew joined him but Gil didn't pay attention to them. What did this dude mean he didn't know him? Everyone knew him, he was the son of Gaston! The son of the greatest hunter the world had ever seen!

"Uhh yeah you do." He said to the guy in an obvious tone, "Come on man." But the dude still looked at him blankly, "Really? Dude I'll give you a hint my dad is quick, slick and his neck, ahh, is incredibly thick." He said with a chuckle. The guy looked to his gang for an answer and Gil still couldn't believe this guy, even though at the same time Gil swore he'd seen the dude before but just couldn't place where.

"Come on man I know – huh?" he stopped mid sentence as he noticed an old poster behind them. It was advertising the royal cotillion on Auradon, why they'd found it necessary to hang banners about a party none of the Isle could go to was beyond Gil but he wasn't paying attention to that right now. Even though the poster had ride with the tide graffiti sprayed over it Gil still looked back and forth between the sign and the kid in front of him, then it hit him like lightning.

"Ohhh, your King Ben!" he said in surprise.

"No, no I don't think so –" he stuttered as his group pulled him away and down the alley. As they did Gil finally recognized their faces.

"Yeah you totally are King Ben and you're Jay, Carlos, Evie, hey guys!" he said cheerfully before he realized that none of them should be on the Isle, it was Uma's turf now – wait.

"Ohh, Uma's gonna love this!" he laughed and ran back to the Lost Revenge. However, he never did get back to the ship, he ran into Camilla and Harry making their way in the opposite direction.

"Hey guys, guys, guys!" he said stopping them while Camilla looked confused about Gil's cheery behavior and Harry looked annoyed. "I just saw King Ben –" before he could finish the good news Harry grabbed him by the collar and shoved him up against the nearest wall.

"Where?" he demanded.

"Uh, uh, back over there." He stuttered as he pointed down the alley, "But Jay, Evie and Carlos dragged him off." Harry let go of him as Camilla led them down the alley Gil had pointed to.

"So what's the plan?" Gil asked as he jogged slightly to keep up with their brisk pace.

"Leave that to me."

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