Part 11

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Chapter 11

AN: just a heads up to readers I'm still working on reading the Descendants books so the backstories of the characters is going to be my take on them based solely on the movies. When this entire story is done I might start making one shots from the books with Camilla in them but those would be separate from this story.

Rotten to the Core Outfit: red heeled zip up boots, leather pants one leg white one black back pockets are opposite colors. Dalmatian spotted tee covered by red leather jacket that is zipped up the side, jacket has two breast pockets the flaps are Dalmatian spots. Fingerless gloves one black one white, red fedora (not always wearing it with outfit) with Dalmatian ribbon around it. 

FLASHBACK:  pre-Auradon

Camilla was heading to the Queen of Hearts Salon per her mother's request. Cruella had been there earlier that day getting her hair done and had left behind one of her many fur coats. She'd said it would be an embarrassment to retrieve it herself so she'd sent Camilla instead. Being the perfect daughter she was she accepted the task without complaint –it was better than most of the jobs Carlos got.

On the way there she decided why not cause some trouble for the filthy vendors that lined the streets in that part of the Isle? It'd been too long since she'd done something mischievous on her own and she didn't want her reputation to suffer.

As she strutted through the trash covered streets she knocked over stands and broke things the lesser villains were trying to sell. Some of the smaller children hid behind barrels and torn sheets as she passed. The whole thing made her smile with wicked glee. She paused at one vendor who had backed into the shadows trying to avoid her. She noticed he had an old rusted metal box filled with what he'd earned that day. It wasn't much, just some silver coins, a screw, and an apple core but she took the coins anyway giving the vendor a smile and a nod in 'thanks'. Then she heard crashing from further down the alley. When she turned there were several older villain kids dressed in rags carrying swords and wearing pirate hats. They began looting the other small tents of whatever they had of value.

Camilla put her empty hand on her hip; this wasn't their turf! This part of the Isle belonged to Mal, - and Camilla by association. How dare they overstep their boundary and not only come here but steal what wasn't in their rights to steal! Before Camilla could say anything though one pirate approached her, he had copper skin and dark hair that was pulled into tight braids along his head, he had a thin mustache and beard that ran along his jaw. Like the others his eyes were lined with black and his eyes shone with wickedness. He wore an old black jacket with the sleeves ripped off and a bright red shirt underneath, both dirty and tattered. He approached Camilla with his sword drawn and aimed at her throat.

"Hand it over." He demanded gesturing to the silver coins she'd just pilfered.

"You're either very brave, or very foolish." She said glaring at him. But her words didn't sway him. He only smiled showing his crooked yellowed teeth as he took a step closer. Camilla noticed that she'd also drawn the attention of several other pirates and her instincts began to scream at her to just hand over the money –she was outnumbered, severely outnumbered.

"It would seem you're the foolish one." He said as his smirk turned more malicious and he stepped closer. Camilla tried to take a step back and regain her personal space but one of the other pirates behind her grabbed her. She struggled to get free but he was too strong. The others only laughed at her knowing that she was done for like a fish on a hook. Then the pirate in front of her put his sword against her neck.

"But you are a pretty one." He said looking her up and down, Camilla only sneered at him refusing to show weakness even in such a hopeless situation. Then, miraculously, the odds shifted to her favor.  A hand came down onto the pirate's shoulder and pulled him away from Camilla, the other pirate let her go as the whole lot of them stumbled away from her.

"Now, now Starkey." The newcomer said, "Disrespecting a lady is bad form."

"Aye Captain." Starkey replied, his eyes wide with fear as he looked at the one and only Harry Hook. He was wearing his signature red jacket with his sword hanging at his side. Underneath he wore what had once been a white shirt but was now slashed from sword fights and hung off his muscular body, the only thing that seemed to hold the shirt on him was the thick black leather belt he'd slung across his torso. His eyes were outlined with black which made them look even brighter as he turned to look at Camilla with fiendish glee.

"Lady De Vil." He said tipping his hat like the perfect gentleman he most certainly wasn't, which made Camilla question why he was wasting manners on her.

"I apologize for my crew's rude behavior. Bad form is something my father and I don't tolerate."

"How can you have good form and be a villain, Hook?" she asked, "Has growing up on the Isle taught you nothing?"

"Oh, I've learned plenty." He said taking a step closer. "Though good form I learned from my father. To be a villain ye must be everything yer enemy is not, everything yer enemy is against. Pan exemplifies bad form, he and his Lost Boys have no rules, no code of conduct. And while we pirates are a rowdy and mischievous bunch we do have to keep to the code. So by having good form we're defying Pan's way of life, something that the wretched king of Neverland despises." He explained getting closer to Camilla with each line. Unlike last time Camilla stood her ground and looked the Captain straight in the eye, with her chin held high. Hook didn't seem put off, if anything he looked entertained. After a few moments of their intense stare down he chuckled flashing a perfect evil grin.

"Luckily though the code doesn't stop us from looting." He said and his crew collected what they'd taken, filled their pockets and dashed off heading back to their ship.

"On our turf." Camilla said angrily and Hook's smile only grew.

"Aye, so I suppose I'll see ye whenever Mal decides to retaliate." He said taking a few steps back. "Until then Lady De Vil." He said with a bow before he also took his leave.

The whole clash had given the lesser villains a chance to flee the alley leaving Camilla completely alone. She clenched her fists in anger then realized they were both empty. The silver coins she'd stolen were gone! Why that deceitful, cheeky, thief!

"Hook!" she shouted and it echoed through the alley. He was long gone by now but Camilla still swore she heard a distant chuckle carried by the wind.

Chillin Like A Villain-A Descendants FanficWhere stories live. Discover now