Part 32

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Chapter 32

They had moved Camilla to Harry's chamber on the Lost Revenge. Harry had carried her bridal style though she insisted she was alright. Uma's magic had healed the wound and Harry's kiss had done the rest. She was still a shade paler than normal and had dark circles under her eyes that would disappear with proper rest and Harry was taking no chances. After Camilla had fallen asleep in his lavish first mate's bed – as lavish as the Isle could get anyway – Gil approached him.

"You need to go." The son of Gaston said putting his hand on his mate's shoulder.

"My place is with her." Harry replied shrugging Gil's hand off his shoulder.

"With Uma gone you're Captain now. The crew needs you." He pressed, "I'll stay with her. I swear nothing will happen to her as long as I'm here."

Harry took a moment to look Gil deep in the eye, he'd never admit it out loud but Gil did have his bright moments. He took a deep breath, fixed his bandana and hat on his head, grabbed his hook and headed out to the main deck.


It was hours later when Gil and Camilla emerged from the first mate's quarters. Camilla had her vest open and Harry could see the ripped red shirt that now ended at her ribs and the wide bandage wrapped around her middle. Camilla had more color in her cheeks and the bags under her eyes were gone, even though she looked fine – aside from the bandage on her side that Gil insisted on, just in case the magic hadn't finished healing on the inside – the son of Gaston was still stuck to her side like Velcro in case she keeled over. They joined Harry by the wheel, he kept looking nervously at his pocket watch like he'd expected something to happen by now. When he caught sight of Camilla up and about his face lit up and he met them halfway quickly wrapping his arms tightly around Camilla. From over her shoulder he gave Gil and thankful nod which his matey returned with his usual goofy grin.  After Camilla assured him that she was okay – which took quite a bit of convincing – Gil left to fetch some food from the chip shop while the crew tended to the ship, several of them had mops and were swabbing the decks clean of the smoke bomb residue.

Camilla was quiet as she approached the wheel of the ship and ran her fingers over the smooth wood. There was an odd tension between her and Harry now, he'd saved her with true love's kiss and it threw into sharp relief that neither one of them had ever said the word before. Yes, they cared very deeply for each other but villains had been taught at an early age that love was foolish and you should never let yourself fall for it. But what did you do when you fell in love with another villain? With someone who could be just as ruthless and understood your own cruelty? Camilla sighed and looked at Harry.

"Will you teach me?" she asked gesturing to the wheel deciding to break the silence with something simple. It worked and Harry smirked his piratey smirk.

"Aye." He replied and stood behind her, he reached around her like a hug and took her hands, placing them in the correct position. "Now to yer left is the port side." He said as he made her hands turn the wheel in that direction, "The right is starboard. There are three masts. . . " he continued going on and on, as he did he noticed Camilla blushing at how close they were and it made him grin. If she had enough blood to blush then surely she'd be alright. He leaned to whisper in her ear, "Did I ever tell ye yeh make a beautiful pirate?" and she blushed harder.


"We need to talk." Evie whispered pulling Mal away, then Carlos stepped in.


"No?" Evie asked in surprise.

"You guys are always going off in a huddle, whispering your 'girl talk' stuff or. . . whatever. And Jay and I are tired of it."

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