Part 41

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Chapter 41

They all made their way across the Isle into what was once Mal's territory. Uma left Gil in charge of the ship telling him he was to stay there or the Chip Shop but she didn't tell him why. When he had asked she only gave him a glare that he was smart enough to not question and went on carrying out her orders. CJ led them to Facilier's Voodoo Arcade where Celia had staked her claim on the Isle while her older sister Freddie mostly stayed at their father's shop swindling its customers.

"So this is where you spend all your time." Harriet said as she looked around at the flashing colorful lights and games. "No wonder you don't have your own crew. None of these ruffians would make the cut."

CJ rolled her eyes, "I've got the beginnings of a crew. Smee's sons, once they get a little older they'll make great pick pockets and then just wait until you see the booty they'll steal for me. You're just jealous that I spend my time now having fun here while you're stuck in school."

"Well one of us had to make father proud."

"Yeah." CJ agreed with a smile, "It must kill you that I was the favorite."

"It kills me that you think that." Harriet replied but both the girls had playfulness in their eyes, the banter their usual sisterly way.

"So where do we find Celia?" Uma asked as she looked around the arcade drawing attention to the reason why they were here.

"She was here earlier." CJ said looking around but not seeing her friend's burgundy colored hair.

"She still might be." Diego said, "There's a lot going on here, great place for a villain to hide."

"He's right." Uma agreed, "Who knows what VK's get up to in the shadows here."


Cruella drove her car with Horace and Jasper following behind in their truck as they made their way across the Isle. They were far beyond the usual tall buildings and alleyways with their tattered and spray painted vandalism. Here houses and shacks were scarce as the land grew swampier with more thick willow trees and vines crisscrossing under your feet. There was the shack of Amos Slade that they passed along with other buildings that looked put together with splinters of wood but it was the home that laid out in the murky and thick-with-mud water that Cruella was aiming for. Out on the end of a broken down dock surrounded by mosquitoes was the boathouse of one Madame Medusa and Cruella knew she'd be the perfect piece to finish her puzzle of revenge. Medusa was a lot like Cruella herself, though she'd never been as successful as the fashionista. She drove the same car as Cruella in a different color and she could only ever afford fake furs on the income she had made at her boutique shop. When the villains had first been sent to the Isle her boutique had quickly fallen to stores like Jafar's Junk Shop, Hook's Inlet and Shere Khan's Pawns. She'd retreated to the outskirts of the Isle where she could prey upon the minions of lesser villains, though there were very few that were already lesser than Medusa which was a fact Cruella was hoping to use to her advantage. Horace and Jasper stayed with the truck while their boss went inside. She knocked on the door and was greeted by a short man who reminded her of Horace except he wore glasses and was dressed much nicer. His eyes widened when he saw her and he knew enough to let her in immediately. Cruella told the little man she was here to see Medusa and he scurried off to get her. Only a moment later he returned with the woman in question following behind with a smile on her face.

"Cruella De Vil!" she said clearly excited to be visited by a villain of such stature. "Well this is a pleasant surprise. Please, sit, sit." She said gesturing to a couch where they both sat down.

"Snoops!" she shouted and the little man jumped, "Did you ask Miss De Vil if she'd like something to drink?"

"Uh, uh I –I Miss, Miss De Vil would you –"

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