Part 5

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Chapter 5

Jay still had his arm protectively around Camilla when they ran into Carlos in the halls.

"Jay! Hey, coach wanted to see you later about Tourney."

"Yeah, and?"

"W-well, it's later. And I'm heading down to practice with Ben so I thought. . . " he stopped when he noticed the look on Camilla's face, he'd never seen such fire in her eyes before. It reminded him of their mother and the last thing he wanted was to re-live one of those screaming matches. "What's up?" he asked cautiously.

"Nothing." Camilla snapped before taking a deep breath.

"Okay, I'm gonna go find the coach." Jay said before taking off.

"Jay! Jay wait!" Carlos called but he was ignored.

"You figured you'd walk down together, didn't you?" Camilla guessed and Carlos shrugged like all the air had been let out of him. He got this way every now and then, when he'd been ignored so much he'd eventually start to feel down in the dumps. It was probably worse now that they were in Auradon and everyone looked at them like they were waiting for them to do something wrong.

"Let me change quick and I'll go down with you." She offered and saw him instantly light up.


"Yeah whatever." She shrugged.

"Thanks Camilla. I know how much you hate babysitting me."

"Don't mention it." She said putting her arm around his shoulders, still happy he hadn't gotten taller than her yet. "Seriously, don't mention it." She said holding up a finger in front of his face. He chuckled and nodded.


On the Tourney Field Outfit: black shorts, red tank top, white jogging-type jacket, red sneakers one with white laces the other with black laces. Hair in two French braids, each a mix of black and white hair, some loose strands framing her face.

Camilla stood next to Ben with her hands on her hips as she looked over his shoulder at the clipboard in his hands. Carlos had been doing well so far –not that she knew much about sports, but still. And he waited at the white line in the grass that marked one of the sidelines. This was exactly what Camilla needed – a distraction. Otherwise she'd be in her dorm thinking about Audrey and plotting something that would surely get her tossed back to the Isle. Keeping an eye on her baby brother was actually a good way of preventing her from doing something she'd probably regret in the long run, no matter how deliciously evil it felt in the moment.

"Okay. Carlos, we're gonna do some sprints. You ready?" Ben asked and Carlos nodded getting on one knee ready to take off. Then Camilla heard it –a bark. Oh no. Ben looked up and Carlos had already taken off, a small patch of brown fur running after him. Camilla was amused as Carlos ran for his life and Ben was completely oblivious to Carlos's terror.

"Sweet!" Ben shouted as he clocked Carlos on his stopwatch. Then he realized that Carlos had kept going.

"Carlos? Carlos!" he shouted as he ran after him into the woods. Camilla heard her brothers screaming fade and knowing that he was in no danger she shrugged, 'Cool, guess we're done.'


After Carlos's practice Camilla had gone to Mal and Evie's room. She was sitting on Evie's bed undoing the braids in her hair while they talked. Jane was there complaining about her mother to Mal while Evie was working hard at her sewing machine.

"If a boy can't see the beauty within then he's not worth it." Jane quoted her mom. "Can you believe it? What world does she live in?"

"Auradon." Mal scoffed as Evie finished what she was working on and held it up for approval.

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