A Wee Epilogue

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The universe is weird. Like really, really, really weird.

It is wonderful and magical. It is horrific and terrifying. It is the stuff of all dreams: Pipe dreams, daydreams, lucid dreams, wet dreams, run-of-the-mill teeth-falling-out-late-for-class-naked dreams, and the stuff of nightmares, terrors and unimaginable pain.

It is a place; it is a concept; it is filled with explained science and unexplained bughouse, bats-in-belfry crazy mayhem beyond comprehension.

Although there are heroes and there are villains, almost every single sentient life in the universe (and most life in the universe isn't even sentient) is neither. Most are somewhere deeply encased in the middle. Not heroes. Not villains. Simply creatures of a vast variation of intelligence just getting through the day. Or the night. Or the dream/nightmare.

Some loving, lusting and hating, some hungering and surviving, but most just trying (without any focus at all) on getting from point A to point B in their small lives without ceasing to exist. Some never ceasing to exist at all. Some immediately ceasing to exist.

The very dead Lassy Vapours was running out of time. He stared into that Alabaster Glob desperately trying to find his life in the separate universe within. He needed something to pull him away from his cadaverous husk. Something to save what little consciousness he had left.

"The universe is weird," he thought. "And the universes within the universe are weirder still. And the universe in which this universe hides in is also weird. There is a nesting doll of infinite universes, and they are all really, really, really stupid weird."

He left his observation of the very distracting giant flying light bulb. He checked back on his twin-universe-wife as she ate her pizza. She threw the crust out the window. A bird landed on the sill and pecked at it, nibbling away while fluffing its tiny feathers to stay warm. It was a small earth bird.

He felt a sudden rush of belonging.

This was not his wife! He had been focused on the wrong thing! This was his pizza crust!

With the dawning of this new revelation, he raced his mind back to the light bulb space ship. He watched as a piece of garbage detached from it and disappeared through a small worm hole. He felt a piece of himself go through it as well.

"What the hell?" his mind muttered to itself.

He had finally found himself in that universe.

"Well how about that then? I'm the fucking sparrow."

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