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All was calm around the lake. Trees rustled in the wind, birds chirped happily, and deer skipped blissfully nearby. A nearby mountain towered overhead, its snow caps gleaming like beacons.

This calmness was broken by a dragon who tumbled into the nearby clearing. The NightWing had flown nonstop for at least a day, and would have kept doing so until he reached his destination.

He approached a bundle of nearby brush, which opened up to reveal a hidden cave system. He spoke to the blackness in front of him, the way they're supposed to do.

"Neptune," he started. Then, to state his purpose, "Returning with a fragile package."

Two silhouettes instantly morphed out of the shadows. One was a gleaming red SkyWing, with wings lined with golden scales and amber eyes. The other shape was a dark aqua color, with hints of lime green glinting off his scales. Dim luminescent lights glowed from the dragon in the darkness.

The SeaWing spoke first, in a rough, patchy voice. "News of the Overlord, I'm assuming?" he asked.

In a monotone way, Neptune responded, "Yes. But categorized Dark. I'll speak to the Inner Circle about this."

The SkyWing was next. "Of course," she said, in a solid, knowing way. "I'll send word t' the boss and let him know of your arrival."

Neptune walked purposefully throughout their hidden labyrinth. It contained everything needed for their operations. An armory down that corridor. There's the security room. In front was the intel department. Everything was as it should be in their headquarters.

The main atrium had a hallway that branched off, studded slightly with gold. Neptune walked down this path, towards a large chamber at the end. He approached the two elite guards posted on either side, who were notified of his coming and assessed him quickly before granting him access.

Neptune made his way to a fellow NightWing, much larger than any of the other dragons. He was bent over a table, studying a map of a region Neptune couldn't identify.

"Boss," Neptune said heavily with respect as he bowed his head slightly. "I've got some news that y' might be interested in."

The large dragon turned slowly towards the voice, his dark blue eyes staring like daggers with authority. He spoke in a deep and rumbly voice, while also maintaining a humble impression. "Go on," he demanded.

"It's about the Overlord," Neptune started. "He just visited the new "Learning Center", and is on his way to the rainforest with a large groups of dragonets." Then, in a lower voice, "I heard 'e was taking the rest of 'is tribe to the Night Kingdom. Not the current one. The old one."

The boss perked up suddenly at the mention of that.

"Are you certain? If this is, either way..." he thought for a moment then took a deep breath. "Inform the Masses. I want more of you mobilized. You specifically can rest for now. Then, head back to the school. When you do...start letting Pyrrhia know that we're out there."

Then, with a smirk, "Don't be afraid to enjoy yourself, either."

A World Upside Down - WoF Jade Winglet AUWhere stories live. Discover now