Psalm 1

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This is just a little insert from my journal that I wrote about this chapter.

Psalms 1 is what I want to study and what I looked over tonight. It was about we shouldn't associate ourselves with sinners. It said to not get lead to ruins, the Lord watches over us. I know He has watched over me through this rough time of not being my bible and not being the best Christian. But I want to get better and be better. I know he has called me to do awesome things and through those things meets some awesome people. I just know he has an awesome way to use me and many other people. All I have to is stay in his word and he will reveal all of this to me in due time. The Lord is on my side and I will not fear, for he is my Lord.

Dear God,

Please help for this chapter to reach someone and for all of us to know you have great plans for our lives. You will help us get through all the tough times and will always stay with us even when we aren't with you. You don't leave us and are always with us whenever we need to pray our sins away. I love you for that and how forgiving you are. Thank you Lord.

In your sons name I pray,

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