Words kill, words give life; they're either poison or fruit - you choose. Proverbs 18:21
This verse is about choices for me, we can hurt or help. We are called to build each other up and spread God's word. We are not called to tear each other down and just talk about ourselves.
The words we say to each other can have a lasting affect, they can make or break a relationship. Words are dangerous, but also powerful. As children of God we need to use our words to spread God's words, because he calls us. You never know what type of affect words will have on people, even words as simple as Jesus loves you. We are loved by him and the only way all of us can learn that is through words. Being a faithful servant to him is one of the best things we can do and how we can get Him into someone's life.
The next time you are thinking about saying something harsh think about this chapter. Think about the verse and just remember we always have a choice. Are you going to give into God or the world? How will your words affect someone?Dear God,
The next time I talk to someone please guide my mouth and tell me how I should speak to them. Speak through me, as your humble servant and teach me how to be better. We must be better God and know we all have a choice. Show us our choices with the words we speak and use us in every way.
In your son's name I pray,
Jesus Loves You - Devotional
SpiritualHERE IS ANOTHER DEVOTIONAL BOOK! This I am writing with the help of The Bible and I hope it brings you closer to God, as it has me.