12 - Matchmaking

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Si Cheng had woken up with the sun hitting his face, making him squint his eyes together as he rolled over to the other side, getting closer to Yuta as the latter hugged him harder-

Wait a fucking second.

Si Cheng got up quickly, yelping when his head hit the ceiling of the-wait where were they again?

He rubbed his head and winced as he tried to remember what happened with Yuta last night....they came to the treehouse, yeah... talked about, oh, yeah, Si Cheng must have overshared again. First to Ten, now this.

Well, whatever. People need to stop treating mental illeness like a fucking stigma. Si Cheng can talk about his all he wants! As long as it doesn't trigger anyone of course.

But now his back hurt. And his head. And Yuta was still on the floor, snoring, probably unaware that had been holding Si Cheng in his arms while asleep. How could he sleep so comfortably on the floor?

Watching Yuta smile in his sleep, such a healing smile, Si Cheng thought, it was a very precious sight. It was only making Si Cheng fall harder for the Japanese, and he was scared how fast his feelings were going day by day.


The week in Osaka went by faster than what Si Cheng had expected, with nothing troublesome going on.

However, there was that incident when they were shopping and Ten had called him. Si Cheng put in on speaker and Ten screamed loudly "HOW ARE YOU AND YOUR BOYFRIEND" and Si Cheng was really thankful that he had chosen to scream it in Chinese and not in Korean.

It had been really enjoyable. Yuta's family had gotten part-time at their jobs, so they took the two of them out on picnics and park trips and even a trip to an amusement park, where Si Cheng discovered that you couldn't PAY Yuta to get on one.

And every night, at midnight, Yuta would knock on his door, and they would walk together to the treehouse, and sleep their for a couple of hours before going back home at dawn.

No, Si Cheng did not leave Japan with a boyfriend or without his virginity, but he did have a cool collection of Japanese snacks and kitkats. Delicious.

When they arrived at the airport, Yuta paid for a taxi to pick them up and asked to be taken to campus. That's when Si Cheng realized it was time for goodbyes.

"Thanks for bringing me to Japan, Yuta," Si Cheng said, playing with his fingers on his lap. "It was really nice of you to let me in your home."

"No worries, it was fun, right?" Yuta said. "I'm glad I got to see my family, it was great. And at least you didn't get to be alone, right?"

Si Cheng nodded. "Yeah, thanks for that. Better than advancing on homework," he laughed.

Yuta said, "I saw you doing your homework here, don't lie!"

"Okay, a little," Si Cheng said, "but I always have to study a bit before I go to bed, you retain more information that way."

"So what you're saying is that you should tutor me in stats before I go to bed?" Yuta said, watching how Si Cheng's cheeks turned red. "I'm going to sleep in that ramen shop now."

Oh, that's what he meant. Si Cheng usually tutored him in the ramen shop. "No, you can't do that," he said. "Maybe review the notes before going to sleep?"

"I'm just playing, Si Cheng," Yuta said. "They have hours anyways."

The taxi came in front of their campus and went through the gate, meaning they were about to get off. Meaning Yuta had, like, five seconds to say what he wanted.

"Hey, Si Cheng?" He asked, making Si Cheng puzzled. "Can I ask you something?"

".....Yeah?" Si Cheng said. "Why, what's the problem?"

"Well, the thing is," Yuta said, "is that, well, we've been hanging out with each other a while now..."

Oh my god is this real? Is this finally happening? Wait, why in the taxi-

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