16 - Unstability

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Yuta was so fucking excited, it wasn’t even funny. 

Si Cheng had made it a habit to visit Yuta’s dance practices with the boys (yes, he calls Jaehyun and Mark the boys – they are so fucking immature.) During one of the so-called practices, where they all just napped around for around half of it (to be fair, the choreography that Taeyong designed was surprisingly really fucking hard, Yuta could swear he broke an ankle), Si Cheng had reminded Yuta that he still needed to show Yuta his dance (sounds dirty out of context, really wasn’t), so logically the plan was for them to meet at one of the practice rooms that the traditional dance kids use. 

However! They forgot that there was a performance coming up from some modern dance students, so… the rooms were closed for non-students. 

As college students, you would expect them to be more aware of calendar events, but apparently not.

The good thing was, it was Friday evening, almost 9 pm, so Yuta had asked Si Cheng if they wanted to go somewhere. His boyfriend had probably expected a movie or maybe ramen, but Yuta had to open his big fat mouth and ask Si Cheng if he wanted to go to a club downtown. 

It’s fine, it’s no big deal. Yuta had gone to many clubs before, and he’s no stranger to alcohol. He’ll be fine. Not what he expected when he asked Si Cheng to dance, but what could you do? Plus, it wasn’t like he was going to deny the opportunity, and Si Cheng also looked excited to go. 

Although now he was freaking out a bit. 

He never imagined him and Si Cheng going to the club together for the first time with Yuta looking like… this. 

Since he had planned to watch Si Cheng dance, he was in simple jeans and a hoodie, his ratty Chuck Taylor’s not exactly fitting your definition of club going. Since Si Cheng was actually going to practice, he had his Aeropostale grey sweatpants and a white sweater while wearing his light up sketchers, his backpack swung over his shoulders. 

Obviously, Si Cheng looked stunning in whatever he wore. Yuta, however, felt like a piece of shit. At least he was wearing cologne – he always wore cologne when he was with Si Cheng. He remembered reading an article where it said that people are often attracted to others that they thought smelled good. 

Si Cheng must have been having the same doubts as him, since he said, “are you sure they’ll let us in?”

Yuta waved him off. “Of course they will, you always look good.”

He didn’t miss his boyfriend’s cheeks getting red. “Shu-shut up, you’re just saying that because, uh-“

“Because I’m your boyfriend?” Yuta reached out to grab a hold of Si Cheng’s hand, feeling the latter tighten their fingers together. Even though it was 9 PM outside, it was already dark, so there weren’t many people on the street, giving Yuta the freedom to swing their arms together without getting stares. Fuck the homophobes. “My Dong Si Chengie, you know there’s a reason why we’re dating, right?”

Si Cheng shrugged, not wanting to look at Yuta in the eye. “Whatever you say next, remember: your eyesight is pretty bad.”

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