Chapter 1

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<3rd person pov>

Heavy footsteps echoed down the dark hallway as the group of people cautiously make their way down. The white armour protecting each person is illuminated by the glowing purple lights that flicker from the ceiling above. A slight humm from the ship is heard as the group makes their way down the dark and dreary hallways.

The leader of the group stops with a halt right before an intersection, where four different hallways meet in the middle. The rest of the group shuffles to a stop behind him, their weapons at the ready.

"Pidge, Hunk. I want you two to go down this hall to the control room and collect as much information as you can." The large man's voice echoes quietly around them as he points to the hallway on the right. Motioning for the two to go that way.

"On it Shiro." The short green paladin Pidge said. Her and the larger yellow one nodded to their leader and crept down the hallway to their destination. The rest of the group waited and watched them disappear down the hall.

Once those two were out if sight Shiro turned to the two remaining Paladins with him. The red one held his Bayard at the ready in case of an attack, while the blue one has his gun in his hands.

"Keith, Lance, I want you two to go that way and find any prisoners and get them to escape pods." The two paladins nod as he points down the opposite direction the other two went. " I'm going to go see if they have any fighters that need rescued. Well rendezvous back at the Lions in 30 dobosh's. "

"Are you sure your okay with going alone? " The Blue paladin asks, concern laced in his voice for his leader. At hearing this the red paladin rolls his eyes and grabs Lance's arm pulling him down the hallway.

"I'll be fine Lance, just focus on your mission." Shiro speaks with such assurance to the blue paladin before turning down his own corridor.

The Black Paladin makes his way down the dark hallway, his shoes echoing as he walks until he disappears into dark end of the hall. The sound of his footsteps fading away.

<Hunk and Pidge>

<Hunks Pov>

Pidge and I had made it to the control room in record time. While she began to decode and collect the information from the Galra, I stood by the door and listened for any trouble coming our way.

"Oh... how long is this going to take Pigeon?" I turn towards the short green paladin, I can't help the worry in my voice.

"Hunk... come on man. You know it takes time. I can't rush it. But anyways it's almost done with so then we can leave." Pidge turned and gave me a reassuring smile. "It will be done in about two dobosh's."

I nod and walk back to the door. Worry still on the back of my mind that something bad might happen.

<Lance and Keith>

<Lance's pov>

"Let go of me mullet." I scoff and pull my arm out of his grasp. I put away my Bayard and rub my sore wrist that Keith so aggressively grabbed.

"Well maybe if you would just listen to what Shiro says, instead of second guessing what he tells you I wouldn't have had to pull you." I notice that Keith rolls his eyes again, thinking I wouldn't notice. I frown and look around the hallway we went down.

"Hey Keith. There are some doors down there. They might be cells with prisoners." I point down the hall to the right with some doors. They seemed oddly small to be normal doors.

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