Twin Jealousy

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Cyrus and Jonah are non-identical twins, and after a particularly bad day, they end up having an argument.

It was one of those days that was good for Jonah and bad for Cyrus. Jonah had been playing sports, but Cyrus had stayed indoors.

It wasn't that they didn't love each other, they were very close. The problem was that Cyrus had been feeling more and more alone.

He knew that when Jonah played any game, he would be having a good time and meeting up with people he liked.

Their parents had noticed that they were growing apart, which made them feel it was time to get some answers. They went into Cyrus' bedroom and sat down with him.

Dad: Son, I couldn't help but notice that things between you and your brother are getting awkward.

Cyrus: What can I say? He's amazing and I'm not.

Mum: That's not true, why would you even think that?

Cyrus: It's true isn't it?

Mum: No it is not.

Dad: And I want you both to sort this out, before it goes any further.

Cyrus didn't respond to his parents. Instead he looked away from them, hoping to hide the tears that were flowing freely.

When Jonah returned, he was met by his parents. He could see that they looked distressed about something.

Jonah: I didn't do it.

Dad: Didn't do what?

Jonah: Whatever it is you think I've done.

Mum: That's not what this is about.

Jonah: Then what's wrong?

Mum: Your brother is rather upset.

Jonah: Did I do something?

Dad: I think you need to talk to him.

Jonah walked up to Cyrus' room and when he opened the door, he noticed that his brother was lying down, facing away.

Jonah: Dude, what's wrong?

Cyrus: Leave me alone.

Jonah: Why are you being so immature?

Cyrus turned around and began to get angry. He really didn't want to see Jonah, but he knew his brother was too stubborn to realise that.

Cyrus: Me being immature?!

Jonah: Yes! Stop acting like a little kid! If you've got a problem, then let's hear it!

Cyrus: Why does life have to be so easy for you?

Jonah began to understand the situation. He realised that Cyrus wasn't always blessed with luck, and he tried to sort it out.

Jonah: Trust me, nothing comes easy to me Cyrus.

Cyrus: But Jonah, you're popular, you're athletic and nobody ever bullies you.

Jonah: People do bully me, I just choose not to say anything. Besides, you're so much smarter than I am. You are kind and you look after people.

Cyrus: I just wish I could be more like you.

Jonah: That's funny, because I wish I could be more like you too.

Cyrus looked at Jonah and felt his anger go away. He tried to speak, but he couldn't. Jonah figured the best thing to do, would be to give Cyrus a hug.

Jonah: You're my brother Cyrus, I love you.

Cyrus: Thanks Jonah, I love you too.

In order to cheer Cyrus up, Jonah began tickling him. Despite some protests from the smaller twin, they had put their small feud behind them.

Wanted to try something a bit different.

I hope you enjoyed.

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