Chapter 16

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Hell Yeah 2
Audrey's POV:
I'm 9 months pregnant and today's the baby shower. My family was flying in from New Jersey and honestly I'm not excited. I laid in bed as I watch August get ready to get my family from the airport. I just hope my brother or sister don't try to start some shit.
Me: Aug do we have to go?
Aug: baby listen we got all these people coming to support you and I why not?
Me: I feel ugly and fat?
Aug: baby you're beautiful and pregnant. Now do you want to come with me?
I shook my head no. August has met my mother before. And when they met they instantly clicked. It's a good thing that August & I are family oriented because with out the love and support I think we would lose ourselves in the life we're living.
Aug: baby I'll be back.
Me: gimme lips.
I pouted until he kissed my lips before he spoke to our daughter and thats when she started moving around like crazy. She's daddy's little girl, I could see it now, she'll have him wrapped around her little finger. Tyler left out with August. I eventually got out of bed while my phone started ringing and it was Karruche. I answered my phone while brushing my teeth.
Me: hello.
Kae: hi babes, where are you?
Me: I'm home why?
Kae: I'm in the neighborhood, I decided to stop by.
Me: you're outside aren't you?
Kae: yup I'm coming inside.
Me: kay bye.
I hung up while I finished brushing my teeth. Soon after that, the door bell was ringing, I answered to an overly excited Kae.
Kae: hey love.
Me: hi
It was very dry. I didn't even feel like doing anything, except for staying in the house or lock my self in the studio and record.
Kae: whats wrong?
Me: I really don't feel like doing anything.
Kae: awww how about we go out today. Lets go to the spot.
Me: fine.
Kae: what color are you wearing?
Me: well I intially wanted to wear pink. But August decided on all white.
Kae: where is he by the way?
Me: he went to get my family from the air port.
Immediately she rolled her eyes. I got up from the couch and walked up stairs and got dressed in grey sweat pants, white shirts and balenciagas. I kind of felt like something bad might happen today. And honestly there ain't no telling what my sister might try. I grabbed my LV bag before closing the room door.
Me: I don't think she's coming.
Kae let out a sigh of relief ever since Kae & my sister met they've never gotten along. I still don't understand why. But then again I do. But that my issue
Kae: ready?
Me: yeah lets go before I change my mind.
August's POV:
Soon as I got to the airport people recognized me and Tyler. I searched quickly for her moms. She's just as tiny as Audrey and there's alot of tiny people at this airport. I finally found her moms standing by luggage claim.
Me: hi Ms. Tina, how are you?
Tina: I'm doing great and you no longer have to call me Ms. Tina. Call me mom. This is my son Miyagi and Cameron.
I said hello. I grabbed Tina's bags before walking out to the car. We got in and drove off to my house. My phone immediately started ringing before I pulled off. It was Audrey I smiled before answering.
Me: yes baby?
Audrey: did you get them from the airport.
Me: yes we're on our way to the house now.
I started the car and pulled off in the direction of the house.
Audrey: Karrueche came and got me and we're going to get our hair and nails done. So we should be back around 2.
Me: okay, you need me to do anything.
Audrey: no not yet. But I gotta go.
Me: love you.
Audrey: love you too.
I sat my phone in one of the cup holders. Before her mother sparked up a conversation. I pulled into the driveway. I placed the car in park, before getting out the car and unloading everything. As for Tyler, he was being entertained by Cameron and Miyagi. I unlocked the door to the house leaving their bags by the door. I showed her siblings a small tour of the house. After showing her siblings around the house, I decided to speak to Miyagi & Cameron in the kitchen.
Miyagi: whats up with you?
Me: since you guys are her older brothers and practically raised her, so its only right that I run this by you guys.
Miyagi: should mama be in here for this?
I nodded and a few minutes later, Ms. T came into the kitchen.
Ms.T: what happened?
Cameron: he has something that he want to run by us.
Ms.T: Okay. Whatever it is you have my blessing.
With that she walked away. One down two more to go.
Cameron: so what is it that you were talking about?
Me: can I marry your sister.
Miyagi: you make her happy so why should either one of us take away her happiness.
Cameron: my sister is alot to put up with. But you handled it for a while now and if its what you want, then we stand behind you. Welcome to the family.
I smiled because they respect the fact that I care for they're sister. People always think that I'm a street nigga or a player but thats what I used to be. But all that changed when I met Audrey and now I'm ready to spend my life with her. A few minutes later, Audrey came in smiling and laughing with Karrueche. Soon as she stepped into the kitchen, her brothers attacked her hugs.
Me: can y'all let her breathe like damn. Y'all suffocating her and my daughter.
Audrey: shut up your just saying that cause you want love to.
She came and gave me a hug while I kissed her lips. I placed my hand on her stomach. And immediately started smiling. Her mom came in and hugged her. I checked the time and it was 2:30.
Ms. T: it's going on 2:30, you should start getting ready Audrey.
I swear she took the words right out of my mouth. But Audrey gave a better reaction, let that be me, it would've been a smart remark out her mouth.
*An Hour Later*
It was inching close to 4:00 her family already left and we was making our way toward my moms back yard. I was there since 7 this morning setting everything up. I grabbed her hand and led her down the cobble stone path.
Me: I can't wait til she gets here?
Audrey: I know right. I swear she has you wrapped around her little finger.
I opened the gate and lead her through, our family and friends screamed surprise and she hid behind my back.
Me: baby why you hiding?
I looked behind my back and noticed she was crying. I smiled and shook my head.
Me: are you crying?
She shrugged her shoulder and smiled, grabbed onto my arm and basically greeted everybody that came out and is showing their love to our daughter.
Audrey's POV:
Yes I admit I cryed and people think that it's easier to be suprised while pregnant and its not. After my emotional episode, we all began to converse with everyone. I sat at the table with Kae, Sevyn, and Nicki. Yes we've mended our friendship, since Trinidad, besides she has a man.
Nicki: you two look cute!
Me: thank you. But I just can wait for our daughter to get here.
Sevyn: what are you guys going to name her?
Me: Aubrey Rose. But I feel like we're having twins and the other one was just hiding behind the other.
They laughed but I was so serious. I looked over my shoulder to see that my brothers, Miyagi, Cameron & Tevin; August's brother, was getting along. Then to my right to see Mama Sheila and my moms getting along just like I expected them too.
Kae: but that'll be cute, crazy at first, but cute.
Soon my mom came over with a large plate of food, after she did that, everybody got up and made their plates of food. After everybody ate we started to open up gifts that people bought us. A big box that had Usher's name on it was passed toward August.
August: *shakes the box while everybody laughes* what is it?
Me: I don't know, open it.
He opened the box as I watched in laughter, as he pulled out the contents of what was in the box. Ever since August & Usher had met at the BET Awards they've been close. He's been at our house, watched Tyler even let Tyler stay at his house with his 2 sons. August pulled out shoes, shirts and pants from the box it was cute littles things even a pair of uggs. But mainly clothes for boys, yes they have the classic uggs for boys.
Me: Ush we're having a girl.
Everybody laughed. While he just shook his head and laughed himself.
Usher: my bad. I got the lil one doe.
August: we got one more gift.
Me: from who?
August: me!
I simply heard awww's coming from, our family & friends, more specifically our moms. I honestly feel like they know more than I do.
August: how long have we known each other?
Me: 9 years, in a relationship for 6.5 years.
August: I just want to ask you this but I can't get this out.
Me: just tell me.
August reached over in his jacket pocket and pulled out a little black box. And handed it to me. I opened it just enough to peek in side and see that it was an engagement ring. I immediately started to cry happy tears.
August: Will You Marry Me??
I nodded yes. Then I felt a sharp pain then water leaking from my body.
August: what happened?
Me: my water broke.

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