Chapter 20

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**Thanksgiving Day**
Audrey's POV:
I woke around 4:30 this morning and started preparing the food. Around 5 my moms came over and basically helped to cook. Since I am hispanic myself, honestly I had to have a boricua thanksgiving, along with a soul food thanksgiving. My mom started on the pernil while I did everything else, rice & beans, testones, platinos, & pastelitos. Luckly the kids wasn't here they was at Chandra's house. Soon Mama Sheila came over and we all started cooking the soul food. You can't go wrong with both spanish soul food.
We was done around 12:30. Nobody was going to come over until 4:30. I walked up stairs to my bed room and took a nap. After my nap, I got in the shower and dressed in all black. I straightened my hair grabbed my snapback and put on red lipstick.
I made sure everything was off before I left. I had to make a few stops in the process. I got in my bentley, and drove to the supermarket. Soon as I got out, I practically hall assed the parking lot and starting picking up paper plates and bowls, plastic forks and spoons, along with water, juices, and soda's for the kids, along with picking up pineapple, orange, and cranberry juice for the adults. I walked up toward the register and placed everything on the movable thingy so the cashier can scan them.
Cashier: your total is $56.65.
I swiped my debit card and swiped paying it for everything before walking out back to the parking lot and sitting everything in the back seat. Also making a stop to the liquor store buying the drinks I needed. Then I got a call from my cousin Trina.
Trina: where you at?
Me: Heading to the house why?
Trina: Im on my way to the house now.
Me: kay I'll see you when I get there.
Soon as I got there, I seen two cars out side the gate I punched in the code before pulling in, soon there cars were right behind. I got out my car and grabbed the bags sitting in the back seat. Soon as I got out the car, I was greeted by my cousins Trina and Jada, along with my brothers Cameron & Miyagi. Immediately they grabbed the bags and followed me into the house. Sooner than later my babies were here, and Trina & Jada was practically guarding them the entire time.
Me: Cameron?
Cameron: yes?
Me: I need you to pick up cups, please and a bag of ice?
Cameron: sure no problem.
*Hours Later*
Family & friends that was invited was here the tv was on football, kids were upstairs. The women was in the kitchen/ dining room while the men was in the den. All that was missing was August.

August's POV:
I was with Travis and Usher on the way back to the crib. I miss my babies, Tyler and my fiancé. And we got to do the black friday shopping. We was sitting back in the Benz watching the football game just chilling while I was texting a few people. Most importantly my son, yes we got Tyler a phone and he's six.
Tyler💴💷💳💸💰: dad where you at?
Me: I should be there in about 5 minutes. Who's at the house?
Tyler💴💷💳💸💰: its alot of people. But we have more than enough food.
Me: thats wassup but uh im on my in, don't say anything.
Driver: Aug plug in the code.
I plugged in the code and the van pulled up in the drive way then I noticed how many card was in the drove way. Tyler neva lied.
Travis: I hope there's food left over. Niggas is hungry.
Usher & I agreed I unlocked the door and was greeted to hear laughter in the dining room. Then ladies talking bout me and Usher's performance in the tri-state area. Mainly complimenting me, nah I'm kidding just complimenting the both of us. Then I heard niggas yelling in the den area about the game. I walked into the dining room and everybody was in the conversation that they ain't nobody notice or hear feet hiting the hardwood floors. That was only until Kayden came in and screamed excitedly for me.
Kayden: uncle August!!!
Everybody looked at Kayden & I and was suprised. Both of our mothers came and gave me a hug. And eventually Audrey came up to me and like we were the only ones in the room and kissed me like it was just us only to be interupted by her brothers.
Miyagi: aye aye aye cut that out!
We pulled apart then she introduced me to the unfamiliar faces and Travis & Usher to everybody in the dining room.
MamaT: I know y'all hungry. What y'all want to eat.
Usher,Travis,&I: Everything.
I walked upstairs to check on the kids soon as I got there, they all went crazy if this is what it feels like being away for a few weeks then to come home then I'm truly loved. I didnt see the twins so I checked their room and Aubrey was up. Aubrey was reaching up for me yelling before I had to quiet her down.
Me: hi daddy's baby I missed you so much.
I placed kisses all over her face as she squealed and squirmed all over the place. As for AJ, dude was beat, snoring loud as his lungs let him. I left the door slightly opened and walked down stairs back into the kitchen to see Mama T fixing a plate for me. Soon as I sat down and started to eat.
Me: babe she ate already?
Aubrey: yeah. Now that we have both families sitting in here together some may know that I recently got an email from BET asking about doing a reality tv show. So what do y'all say?
MamaT: I mean yeah as long as it doesn't make our relationships change toward one another then why not.
Soon after she said that everybody started putting in their input. Until I said something.
Me: its not like we're going to jump straight to filming. It takes time to process everything. So with everything going on, the film process isnt going to take place until years from now.
Morgan: so as the rep for the both of you what is the family saying?
Audrey: yeah.

Audrey's POV:
After that asking the family about reality tv, my mom pulled me to the side. I honestly might break down about what she might tell me.
Mom: so I seen your twins ex with a baby that resembles the both of you. And he told me that he can't take care of her and she'll be on her way here. And I can't take care of her on her own.
Me: since she is my sister, I'll take care her how old is she?
Mom: speaking of that here they are.
We walked up the driveway to get my niece. I honestly started to cry because she really resembles my sister. Its been 4 years since she's passed and I've only seen her twice in those 4 years. And she's 9.
Brian: hey Audrey, I honestly can't financially support her and I got into somethings that's going to prevent me from being in her life.
Me: well she is my niece so I have no choice but to take her in. But if you want to keep in cotact with her then your more than welcomed to contact my moms. But what's her name.
Brian: Melody. In the bag has everything she needs. All her important documents and her clothes. But anyway I'll see y'all when I'll see y'all.
With that the car pulled off and my mom and I walked back inside. Honestly I have no idea how to tell August that we have another mouth to feed. Either way he'll be open to it. And now it's all about her getting used this side of the family.
By the time thanksgiving day was over, nobody went home all because we decided to do black friday shopping together.

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