Chapter 1(The hills have eyes)

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(Sasha's POV)

"Hey, Sashy." Bayley stormed in through the door with her infamous smirk.

I rolled my eyes, like I always do and I don't like it when she calls me that, it sounds nerdy and lame.

I always insisted that she call me by my "real" name, but she said that she likes it better.

"Hi," I said, looking behind my shoulder and adjusting my glasses with my fingers.

"What'cha doin', cutie?" She jumps over the couch's back, landing perfectly next to me.

I frown when she mess up my hair, slapping her hand away, I didn't answer her and just continue watching Keeping up with the Kardashians. Dreaming how cool it would be to look like those girls, and to be rich and famous like them.

But here I am, stuck with these braces and big black rimmed glasses. Face full of pimples and a boyish figure. I was surprise when Bayley put her arm around my shoulders. Blushing furiously red at how close she was. I tried to ignore the butterflies inside my stomach. It felt like they started to practice acrobatic moves.

You see my looks is not the only thing that I'm depressed with. At first, I didn't think about it much, you know, Bayley is good-looking, so that's why I feel like this.

I never thought that I would develop feelings for her. Yep, you heard me clear and right.

I fucking have a crush on, one and only, Bayley Martinez.

Not only is she a girl and older than me, but she's also my older sister, Becky's best friend.

Well you see... It's not only her looks that I'm attractive to, but her personality too.

People see her as a cocky, selfish and coldhearted bitch but the truth is she's protective, sweet, funny and caring. People judge easily.

I turned my head to my left and looked at her. Her perfect brows were furrowed.

"Hey kid, what's wrong?" She asked, with worried lace in her voice.

"Nothing, sweet cheeks." I said, while pinching her cheek.

She scowled at me. "You just crossed the line, Sasha." Before I could do anything, she tightly but with gentleness pushes my shoulders making me lay down.

I tried to push her off of me, but she crooked her hands under my t shirt and began to tickle my sides.

"B-B-Bayley... PPlePlease.... Stop... IIIt," I said between my laughs. "PPPPlease I will.... Ppee in... MMy....PPants...." I yelp, trying to push her again.

This time I was successful, but unlucky for her she fell off the couch, on her ass.

She tried to grab me but she failed.

"That's karma, Darling." I said, laughing my ass off that I hardly supported my weight with my left hand.

My upper half was almost on top of Bayley, but I managed to push myself and roll on my back.

I love moments like this: When she's my friend, whom I can act like a totally dork and she never judge me. She was still laughing hard when my big sis Becky came, standing next on the couch.

You see, Becky and I have one dad but different mom's. My African-American mom died when I was a toddler. When my dad married Becky's mom, she raised me as her own. She loves me and I love her even more.

"Jeeez, I just leave you two for a second and you start to act like kids." Becky rolled her eyes and picked up my feet. She sat down bringing them to her lap.

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