Chapter 24(She's mine and ONLY mine)

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(Sasha's POV)

I nervously walked in the living room where my parents watched TV. Bayley is out with her best friend Finn and Becky is with Liv, Sarah and Ruby. I honestly think that she and Liv would make a cute couple.

Anyway I think now is the perfect time to talk to my parents about marrying the love of my life. If they say no then I'm screwed because I need their permission since I'm underage.

"Mom, dad can we talk?" I asked nervously, I can feel my heart pounding in my chest.

They looked away from the TV and I can tell that I fully have their attention.

"Sure baby what's going on?" My step mom asked.

I took a deep breath before talking and sat down across from them.

"Umm, I uh... Mom, daddy you know how much I love Bayley, right..." I started, waiting for them to response.

They nodded.

"I uh... I can't even imagine my life without her and I want to be with her forever..." I continued.

Daddy rubbed his beard and stayed silent which made me even more nervous.

"What are you trying to say honey?" My mom asked.

"I.. I... I uh.. I want to... I want.... I want to propose to her.." I said stuttering.

My parents looked at each other and then back at me.

"That's amazing honey I'd be so happy if you guys get married before the baby is born. At least then people wouldn't say that it's a love child." My mom said.

Wow is my mom only saying yes because of what people think. I'm proud of my "love child" at least it's with the person I love.

"Mom is that all you care about? About what people think? I would've still asked for your permission to marry Bayley even if I wasn't pregnant with her child or should I say 'love child'."

"Honey I didn't mean it in a offensive way. You know I only want the best for you and your baby. And marrying Bayley is the best thing for you right now, so yes you have my blessing."

I sighed.

Don't get me wrong I'm super happy that I have my mom's blessing but I can't help but to feel a little offended by her referring to my baby as a love child.

Without saying a word my dad stood up from the couch and began to walk away.

"Daddy?" I said feeling sad and I could feel the lump in my throat. "Daddy please say something."

My dad looked at me and I could tell that he doesn't like the idea of me wanting to propose.

"Sasha you're pregnant and emotional you're not thinking clearly. Let me tell you something, marriage isn't child's play it's a very serious commitment and I don't think you're ready for such a big step. You're only 16 and you still have your whole life ahead of you. I think you should wait until you're older you will eventually find the right partner." My dad said in a serious voice tone.

Is my dad serious right now? The right partner? I've already found THE ONE.

"Daddy I know Bayley isn't your favourite person but I truly love her and she loves me. And trust me when I say, I know that marriage isn't child's play I've thought about it long and hard and I'm 100% thinking clearly this has nothing to do with my pregnancy and..."

"-NO... No okay the answer is NO I'm not going to let you make the biggest mistake of your life. You are not going to marry or propose to Bayley, point." My dad said cutting me off.

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