Chapter 28(Team ABS)

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(Sasha's POV)

I'm excited because today I'm going to buy my love an engagement ring. Becky and Bayley went out with Jimmy and Naomi but it's all part of the plan. We don't want Bayley to know that I'm getting her a ring.

"Are you ready?" Finn asked.

"Yeah, let's go." I said excitedly.

We head out to Finn's jeep and hop in. Finn tells me a couple of the nice jewelry stores and shows me the way. We get to one and go inside but I didn't see anything that screamed Bayley to me. We also went to two others and got the same result. I got really nervous that I wasn't going to find anything for her. Finn told me one more shop and we headed there. When we got there and went inside, I looked around for a unique ring, I thought I came up short again until I spotted the ring that said Bayley as clear as day.

"Can I see that one?" I said to the clerk.

The clerk picked up the ring from behind that glass and handed it to me. I put it on my finger to see how it would look.

"Finn look at this one." I said.

He came over to me and looked at the ring.

"That's the one. She'll love it." He said.

"I think so too." I said, smiling happily.

I took it off my hand and gave it back to the clerk.

"We'll take it." I said.

He ask the size and pulled out paper work for me to sign. In about thirty minutes we were out of there. I can't wait to put this beautiful ring in Bayley's finger. Finn and I went and got something to eat. We went to Mc Donald's and sat down to eat.

"So, there's another reason why I asked you to help me find a ring." I said.

"What is it?" Finn asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I wanted to know how you feel about me wanting to marry your best fiend. I know how close you and Bayley are. How did you really feel about me when you heard?" I asked looking at him.

"Well, honestly at first I was confused because I thought you guys were just friends, well more like sisterly friends. But now I see that you guys are genuinely in love with each other. Honestly I'm really happy that you wanna marry Bayley, you guys are made for each other." Finn said smiling.

"Aww thank you. But in your opinion do you think that she'll say yes. Do you think she's ready to get engage? Like I don't wanna scare her off." I said, almost whispering the last part.

Finn thought for a second before he spoke.

"Look, I've known Bayley for a long time a very, very long time. Hell even you know her for a long time and we both know how she was before you guys started going out and stuff. You know she had this girl and that girl, like man she was a player with a capital P. But she has changed a lot and I know you can agree with me on that. She now only has eyes for you and only you. I don't think that she wanna be with anybody else so I know that she'll say yes when you propose. Believe me Sasha you won't scare her off." Finn said smiling at me.

Finn and I continued to talk about my proposal and about things in general.


(Sasha's POV)
(The next day)

Today is a exciting day for Bayley and I because we're going to find out the sex of our baby.

"I'm excited. I just hope he or she is cooperating so we can tell what it is." I said and leaned over to kiss Bayley softly, smiling to her before she grabbed her purse and climbed out of the car.

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