Chapter 30(Tomorrow is judgement day)

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(Becky's POV)

"Hey Bayls." I said and plopped down on the couch next to Bayley. My parents are still at work and Sasha is with Sonya. It's been a while since Bayley and I had some one on one time because she's always with Sasha.

"What's up Becks." She said while playing WWE Raw vs Smackdown video games. She's like obsessed with that game.

"I'm good, mind if I play with you?" I asked and grabbed the other controller.

"Sure, I'm playing with the Raw brand I'm team Raw." She said.

"Okay, I'm team Smackdown I like Smackdown more anyways." I said and picked Eddie Guerrero to play with. Bayley picked Randy Orton (from Evolution).

Both Bayley and I are wrestling fans, even Sasha is and we've always talked about becoming professional wrestlers one day. Hopefully that dream will come true.

"Dude can you believe tomorrow is Valentine's day." I said slightly nervous because I still need to think of a plan to get Bayley out of the house tomorrow so that we can decorate it.

"Do you have any plans tomorrow?" She asked but kept her eyes on the TV.

I sigh softly.

"Not really, oh did I tell you that Charlotte is coming tomorrow." I said excitedly.

Charlotte and I have been texting back and forward ever since we met during the summer and she's gonna hop on a plane tomorrow to come and visit me for the weekend.

"Wow really? That's great news, now you guys can see each other in person and smooch the life out of each other. Among other things of course. It's been way too long since you had a little something-something." Bayley said winking and smirking.

I rolled my eyes.

"What are you talking about? 'It's been way too long since I had a little something-something?' I'm having my 'little something-something' on a regular basis and honestly I'm not trying to fuck Charlotte. We're just going to hang out and chill."

"Now what's the point in flying the girl out all the way from North Carolina when you're gonna get non?" Bayley said raising her eyebrows.

I sigh.

"Bayley not everyone is obsessed with sex." I said, and she started chuckling.

"Are you saying I am?" She asked, still chuckling.

"You and Sasha bang almost every night so you can't blame me for thinking that. I'm getting tired of listening to y'all moaning and orgasms." I said.

"Well Sasha's moans is like music to my ears it's like listening to Celine Dion music and besides, she loves having me inside her and I love being inside her." Bayley said smirking, and I litterly almost puked.

"Eww, that's disgusting. Anyways Charlotte told me that your girl Carmella is in town." I said raising my left eyebrow.

Bayley looked at me confused.

"Who's Carmella?" She asked, and I couldn't help chuckling.

"Charlotte's friend, the blonde girl you had during our lil summer vacation. I bet Sasha's not gonna be happy about it." I said teasing Bayley.

Bayley thought for a second.

"Oh that girl. I never had her it was just a summer fling it meant nothing." Bayley said quickly defending herself.

I laughed at Bayley's worried facial expression. Shame she must be really scared of Sasha.

"Relax Bayls, I'm just teasing you Carmella is not here."

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