Chapter 23(Secret friends)

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(Sasha's POV)

I'm relaxing on my bed staring at the ceiling, thinking.

The thought of marriage crossed my mind. I've been thinking about this for quite some time now and ever since I was a young girl I've always dreamed about my perfect fairytale wedding day. How my dad would walk me down the aisle while my knight in shining armor patiently waits for me by the altar.

I smiled imagining how gorgeous Bayley would look. She's truly the one who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I know we're still young but I know deep down in my heart that I've found my knight. "We will be the perfect family." I smiled talking to my unborn child while rubbing gently over my baby bump.


"Becks can we talk?" I asked as I walked in Becky's room. I shut the door behind me.

So I've thought about it long and hard and all signs points to Bayley there's no other person in this world who I'd rather be with than her. I know for sure that I want to marry her and I want to talk to Becky about it.

"Sure what's up?" She asked and put her phone down. I sat down on her bed and let out a shaky breath. I can't help but to feel a little nervous.

"Umm..." I started not exactly sure how to start the conversation.

"Is everything okay? Is the baby okay?" Becky asked worriedly and glanced at my stomach.

"Yes, yes the baby is fine don't worry..." I said wrapping my arms around my stomach.

"Then what's wrong?"

"I umm.... I was thinking uh..." I started and avoided eye contact with her.

"Thinking about what?" She asked and brought her hand to my chin making me look at her.

"Umm I love Bayley and uh... I want to spend the rest of my life with her so I was thinking about.... Umm I'm going to propose to her." I looked down at my hands.

There was an awkward silence for a second.

I looked at Becky when she started to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I asked annoyed. Why is my sister such an ass. How can she laugh when I'm being so serious.

"You want to marry Bayley?" She asked still chuckling.

"Yes and I don't know why you find it so funny. I love Bayley with all my heart I can't even imagine my life without her and right now you're just being an asshole."

I stood up from her bed and walked to the door.

"Sash wait..." She said and stopped me.

I sighed.

"Let's be realistic..." Becky started and this time she's more serious. "You are too young by law to get married. Sure Bayley is 18 but you're only 16. And by the way who says Bayley wants to get married now."

I put my hands on my hips.

"I know Bayley loves me just as much as I love her and I know she won't say no if I ask her. And about the age thing, I've already read about underage marriages and I can still get married legally I'm just going to need mom and dad's permission that's all."

Becky sighed.

"Sash I'm not so sure about this but if this is what you want then I'm going to support you. When are you planing to ask her?"

"Thank you Becks and I don't know yet. But I want to do it in a cute way you know. I want it to be special." I said smiling a bit.

Becky looked at me smiling.

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