Chapter 11(Did you sleep with him?)

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(Sasha's POV)

This has been the worst month ever. Not only is Bayley ignoring the fact that we slept together but I've felt weird. Every morning I feel sick and I puke my guts out, not to mention the awful headaches I get. Also I missed my period. And I'm starting to freak out.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Sonya said touching my forehead with her palm.

"I feel sick."

"Maybe you're pregnant." She joked, chuckling at the end. I hadn't thought about that...

"Oh my god what if..." I said horrified and she just chuckled. She just fucking laughed.

"Mercedes, two have to take a part in tango not one."

"I slept with Bayley." I blurt out.

"What?" Her face went pale.

"I-I slept with her a-and we didn't use anything... what if I'm pregnant Sonya?" Tears welled in my eyes. My life is going to be over.

"First we're going to buy a pregnancy test, okay?" She said hugging me trying to calm me down while I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Shhh sweetie everything is going to be alright."


I saw Bayley standing with a girl from my squad named Mandy.

"Hey Tiger." I walked towards them. I clenched Bayley's shirt and jerked her head down to meet my lips. I chuckled when she ducked her head down with a blush creeping on her face after the kiss.

"We need to talk." She whispered and I nodded my head.

We walked away from Mandy into the restroom.

"Look what happened between us, shouldn't have happened at all." Her tone was cold and I had never heard her use it on me. I could feel my heart breaking into a thousand pieces. I knew that's why she's ignoring me but it still stung.

"Let's just forget what happened, okay." She put her hands in her pockets. I can feel tears welling into my eyes. Maybe I shouldn't tell her at all. I'll just tell her when I know for certain that I'm pregnant or maybe I'll never tell her. It's not like she would care.

"Don't Sash, please don't cry." She stepped forward and I backed away.

"Don't touch me." I hissed when she wanted to put her hands on my shoulders.

"Sash-" I blocked her voice out.

"C'mon Sasha, we can still be friends." Friends. Ha right.

"You just don't understand do you?" Don't I make it obvious that I want more than friendship from her?

"What do you want from me?" She snapped.

"For you not to fucking ignore me." I said.

"Well go to Dolph, he won't ignore you."

"What?!" What the fuck is she talking about.

"Did you sleep with him?"


"Did you."



"Bayley where the heck did you hear this?"

"He bragged about it to the whole school and someone saw him in a room with you. Or more specifically on top of you."

"Bayley I don't even like him and he grosses me out!"

"So did you sleep with him?"

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes or no?" She huffed impatiently.

"No he tried t-to but I pushed him away then he didn't listen and I kicked him and then I found you."


"Bayley, stop I'm fine! Everything's fine! Calm down!" I tried to block her way when she walked past me.

"Bayley..." I said this time more forceful and grabbed her shoulder trying to stop her but she just shook it off.

"Hey Dolph!" She called him when we reached the football players.

"What do you want?"

"Your head." She jabbed him in the cheek.

"Bitch!" He tackled her to the ground.

"Dolph!" I screamed trying to grasp his hand and tug him away from her.

"Help me!" I shouted to the football players that were just enjoying the fight. I looked back at them and now Bayley was on top of him pounding her fist in his face.

"Don't- *punch* - fucking- *punch* -touch- *punch* -her- *punch* -again..."

"!" She panted standing up trying to smooth her jacket. Her hair is sticking out of her ponytail. Her nose and lips are bleeding and her cheek is starting to swell.

"Slut." Dolph groaned making a fatal mistake, standing up. She turned around like a wild animal. I blocked her way putting my hands on her shoulders.

"Please Bayley, calm down." I hugged her neck. I kept my strong hold on her neck and finally felt her muscles starting to relax.

When I felt her tense again I looked over my shoulder to find Dolph glaring at her.

I quickly released her but kept my hand clenching her collar, yanking her so she would walk away with me.

"Bayley, you really need to stop with all that fighting." I scolded her finally releasing her and walking away.


"Don't, you said what you had to say, now stay away." I said not meeting her eyes.


(Becky's POV)

"Hey sissy." I walked in Sasha's room.

"Hey." She replied with a distant and sad voice confusing me and making me frown.

"Talk to me." I plopped next to her on her bed.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She gulped while her eyes started tearing up.

"Sashy boo-boo..." I poked her ribs.

"I'm fine." She bit her lip. I just waited in silence I know she's debating whether to tell me or not.


"You what?"

"I-I-I..." She took a deep breath and closed her eyes before starting to sob.

"Baby girl, everything is going to be okay." I said kissing her forehead enveloping her in my arms while she damped my shirt.

"I'm-m pregnant."

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