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"You've got a temperature," Dianne said, having kissed Joe's head in thanks, after he had filmed some clips for her.

Joe sighed, as she pulled his head onto her shoulder. "I think I'm getting a cold."

"Nothing else? You don't feel sick or anything?" She checked, putting her hand on his forehead. Looking after Connie had pulled Dianne's already caring side out more, which led her to worry whenever either of them was feeling just a little bit rough.

"No Little One, just a measly old common cold, don't worry. But like probably don't kiss me because I'll give it to you and soon enough you'll have pro rehearsals," Joe said, linking their hands.

"It's probably too late, I've already kissed you about 10 times today so," she laughed, kissing him again.

"I feel guilty," he said after a period of silence.

"Why love?" Dianne asked, although she could almost guarantee she knew why.

"Should we have bought Connie?"

Dianne smiled, her guess was spot on, "she'd hate it Joe, think about it, it's going to be relaxing in a hotel room and sunbathing the whole time, Connie needs to be go, go, go more than me. Plus, and this isn't me saying she's a hassle because she's not, but you do deserve a break from her sometimes to do something for yourself. You had her completely on your own for 10 days whilst I was gone and then with tour and stuff. And I know you've done it on your own for years and 'what's different' but even single parents need a break Joseph. And anyway, she's going camping with your Dad, she's going to have an absolute ball."

"I just, you know, it's been a hard year and I just," he was sounding upset. Dianne wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tightly, kissing his shoulder.

"She knows you love her, she really does. I know it's been tough after Louise, especially when you have to explain death to a 4 year old, I know. Which is exactly why you need a break from her, just a couple of days so you can be the best Daddy for her," Dianne said, still holding him tightly. These moments reminded her that Joe was not invincible, as she often let herself think, but human and a victim of very real human emotions.

"I don't know why I'm upset," he sighed pulling back, pressing the heel of his hands to each of his eyes.

"I do, you're feeling poorly so every emotion you feel is amplified. Come here sweetheart," she pulled his hands away and wiped each of his eyes, pressing a kiss to his lips once she was done.

"Should I call her?"

"Just leave it, your dad said they mightn't have any signal. Let him call you okay?"

Joe nodded and returned his head to her shoulder, linking hands again, turning his attention back to the departure board, the over head tannoy and the planes out of the window.


"And Daddy, Daddy our tent is big! I have my own bedroom and everything!" Connie shouted through the phone making the couple laugh.

"No way! Is your sleeping bag cosy?"

"Tell Daddy it's too hot for a sleeping bag, it's been 28 today," Graham's voice said.

"Grandad Graham said it's too hot for sleep bag, it been firty-eight," Connie said seriously, taking the importantance of passing the message on correctly very serious.

"No way! It's quite warm here too, Daddy's got a sunburnt nose look," he pointed at his nose.

"Daddy sound sick."

"He's got a sore throat Connie, but I'm looking after him. He'll be right as rain when we get back to you. What are you doing tonight then Tiny?" Dianne asked, moving hand over her eyes so she could see the phone screen.

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