Connie Sugg in lundun

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"But Daddy, Steve isn't at Nanny's so I'm a bit worried that he's not coming," Connie said, her bottom lip trembling, tears present at her waterline.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he's here, he'll be here when you get back I'm sure of it." Joe had completely forgotten to send Steve, Connie's elf on the shelf, to his Mum's and it was the first of December. The previous night he had finished his stint at Waitress so everything had been up in the air.


"Yes, I bet he'll have an advent calendar and something for you to leave your Christmas letter in. Okay squish?"

"I 'pose so, tan you look for him now for me?" Connie asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm a bit busy at the moment, can you wait until you get back? You'll be home soon."

Connie eventually agreed with him and said goodbye, Nanny promising to get her a treat to cheer her up.

"Dot," he said, stretching, "I'm going to the supermarket. I forgot advent calendars were a thing and Connie's expecting one."

"Fancy some company?" She asked, putting her phone down.

"A supermarket date on a Sunday? Lucky me! No seriously only if you want to, you've got to teach me later, and put up with mum being around too." The next couple of days were solely focused on the Christmas special so Tracey was coming to stay until Wednesday in order to help them with childcare.

"I like your mum. And it might surprise you but I love you and a date around the supermarket, where I can hold you hand and pester you for chocolate seems perfect," she said sweetly, taking his outstretched hand.

"Its a date then," he kissed her forehead and let go so he could get his wallet and shoes and a coat.

"And the chocolate?"

"Definitely the chocolate, but only when Con's not around bless her," Joe called back down stairs.

"Gosh yeah, what are you going to do about an advent calendar then?"

"I looked them up a couple of weeks ago and Sainsbury's had one that had sweets in it. But if they haven't got that in, I've got a set of drawers that came as a press release, I could always fill that. I need to get Steve out anyway. I might just do that actually. Its nicer."

"Cute," she said, as Joe returned with Steve and the advent calendar, having obviously been in the hidden cupboard.

"Ready to go?" He asked, lacing their hands.

"I certainly am."


"Steve! I've missed you!" Connie shouted, seeing Steve sat on top of a big box next to a little one.

"Has he left you a note, explaining what the big box is?" Joe asked, so glad he had managed to pull this all together.

"Yep, I read?" She asked the adults.

Joe nodded, feeling pride wash over him, as he watched his daughter confidently read out the words he had written an hour before, "Dear Li-ttle little Connie. I can't be-li-eve believe it is al-ready December. I k-now you have had a poor- poorly belly so I hab sent you an extra spec- help."

"Special, keep going you're doing amazing Con!" Joe encouraged, ruffling her hair.

"Special adfent calendar. Lots of love from Steve, Farver Trismas's best elf." Connie giggled excitedly and stood on her tiptoes in order to see her advent calendar better.

"That's nice of Steve to think of your tummy isn't it?" Tracey said, twirling Connie's bunch around her finger.

"Yep. Did Steve bring you and Dot an calendar?"

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