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Dianne rolled over, pressing her face into whatever was next to her in order to block her eyes from the sun that had found a gap in the curtain. She definitely didn't want to be awake. The thing she had rolled into was warm and familiar, meaning in no time at all, she was beginning to drop back off. That was until she heard a tiny whisper.

"Does that mean Dot's awake?"

"No, she's rolling away from the sun, can you close the curtain properly for us?" A even quieter voice replied, as a hand landed on her back. The hand traced up and down from her shoulders to the centre of her back. There was some shuffling but then it got recognisably darker. This resulted in her ignoring her curiosity and falling back to sleep, the weight of the hand on her back comforting.

When she woke up next, the warm thing that was next to her was gone. Upon an investigative stretch, with a lot of yawning and patting beside her, she realised it had left the whole bed. This didn't instill any urgency, instead it just made her grumble and roll onto her back where she opened her eyes for the first time that day. The bed was cold where the warm thing, which she assumed was Joseph, had been, meaning he had been gone a while.

"Alexa, what time is it, please and thank you?" She said, her voice croaky after lack of use.

"The time is 9:22 am."

"Time to get up Dot, come on," she motivated herself, mustering the energy to sit up and lean gingerly against the headboard. She had no idea how she had managed to sleep well past 9am but she knew that her body was thankful for it. Now she was awake, or more so than a few minutes before, she opened the curtains and smiled seeing the sun shining away over the city she had come to call her own- her home. The robe that Joe had bought her at some point in the last year was much to warm, so she put a long, light cardigan on pulling it around her, with a yawn.

"Not awake yet," she mumbled into his chest when she found him in the living room hoovering. He laughed and wrapped his arms around her, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. She let her eyes close, smiling when he didn't take his hands away, or move them really.

"Morning, have you just woken up?"

She nodded, yawning again, her arms still hanging by her side.

"I made you breakfast in bed 2 hours ago, but you rolled over and fell back asleep so it's in the microwave. Connie woke up at quarter to six."

"Oof," she took her head off his chest in order to get her food, "why?"

"Excited that we were home or something, I'm surprised she didn't wake you up," Joe said, following her, knowing he could finish hoovering later.

"I think I might have been dead to the word, I remember moving away from the sun and Connie saying something but I fell back asleep. Ooh pancakes!"

"She's been desperate for you to wake up but I'll give you a few minutes with your coffee before I tell her you're awake," Joe said, arms wrapped back around her, lips kissing just under her ear. Dianne turned and caught his lips, pulling back when he started to grin.


"Nothing, just very happy. I like kitchen kisses," Dianne rolled her eyes and pulled out her breakfast, putting some yoghurt on it, Joe's hands still attached to her waist.

"What are we doing today then lover boy?" Dianne asked, sitting at the counter, taking a big gulp of coffee which woke her up, as it slid down her throat.

"Little wants to go to the park, so that but nothing else. Cuddles." Dianne laughed, leaning against him, still drinking her coffee. They stayed silent mostly after that, Joe allowing her to wake up and eat, conscious of not overwhelming her. In the early stages of their relationship he had often done just that because he was so used to Connie waking up full of beans that he had forgotten that the rest of society, including his girlfriend, struggled with energy in the morning.

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