In Waves

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"What do you think?" Joe asked, holding Connie on his hip. He pushed her hair back so Dianne could see her tired face.

"A bit peaky, she's lost her colour. Any temperature?" Dianne returned, putting her hand on Connie's head.

"None whatsoever, she just looks pale and is quiet. What do I do? I can't really send her in when she's like this can I?" Joe asked, putting Connie on the couch sighing when the little girl didn't say anything just sucked her thumb.

"How are you feeling Connie?" Dianne tried, leaving her breakfast. Connie shrugged, yawning.


"How about I keep her back with me, I'm not doing much and if she improves, maybe after a nap and some cuddles I'll take her in," Dianne suggested quietly, stood away from Connie.

"Would you?"

"Don't be silly of course I will, go and get yourself ready and I'll get her back in some PJs and give her some calpol maybe incase her tummy's sore," Dianne turned him towards the stairs. This morning Joe had a matinee and some press to film so needed to in at 10 am.

"Come on Tiny, let's get you back in some PJs and have cuddles."

"I not going to school?" She asked, there wasn't even a hint of excitement or question in her voice.

"No, I'm going to keep an eye on you of that's okay?" Dianne chose to not use the word sick, not wanting to put ideas into Connie's head. She nodded and held Dianne's hand, moving at a snail's pace compared to how quickly she normally moved.

"Do you want to get back into bed?" Dianne asked, looking Connie's tummy which looked a bit swollen compared to normal. She nodded and curled up in the corner with another yawn. Dianne climbed in next to her and started rubbing her tummy. "Is your belly hurting baby?"

Connie shrugged and closed her eyes, snuggling bunny closely.

"She's definitely not right, have you called school?" Dianne said, when Joe rescued her from the grasps of a five year old part monkey. 

"Yep. If she's still off later do you want to still come down later, make use of her day off? Obviously that's if she's just the same not if her tummy's bad."

"Alright. I'll call you later. She said her tummy's not hurting now but I'll get her up in an hour and see then. You going now?" Dianne had returned to her breakfast that had gone soggy, noticing Joe was pulling his coat on.

"Yes, by love," Joe said, kissing her cheek.

"Bye love you."

"Love you too, see you later."


Dianne pulled the thermometer out of Connie's ear and sighed. If she just had a temperature it would be so much easier to work out what was wrong- but she didn't. The little girl was still asleep, it was nearing 11 o'clock making it nearly 2 hours since she fell asleep. Dianne noticed that she still looked quite pale and that her tummy was definitely swollen slightly. Yet there was no temperature and as far as she was aware nothing was hurting Connie.

"Hi Dot, how are you today?" Rina asked when her daughter called.

"I feel better definitely, I've got something to distract me today. Connie's off school." She sat down on the grey chair, pulling a blanket over her because she still hadn't worked out how to control the heating in the office.  

"Ah has she got an inset day?"

"Nah, she's- well I'm not actually too sure. I was going to say she's not very well but I think the phrase 'she's off colour' kind of fits better. When she woke up this morning she was just really quiet and quite pale like her cheeks aren't rosy like normal. Buts she's got no temperature and no pain as far as we're aware. She's been asleep for 2 hours now," Dianne explained, hoping her mum could help, 3 brains on the Connie mystery case should be better than one.

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