Annabeth I

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Hey guys! This is my second official fanfiction, my first being "The Daughter Of The Prophecy" so if you're another PJO fan you can read my story.

This is a "trying to be canon fanfic" because it tries to stick close to the books but there are some added bits and stuff. Also, closer to the end of the story, I'm gonna be writing a sort of Dark!Percy.


Plz don't be rude and in the comments don't be a grammar nazi.

Thx again and enjoy!<3

Annabeth POV:

A sudden bang startled Annabeth out of her abysmal nightmare. Her cheeks were wet and her body was bathed in a cold sweat. The sheets were twisted around her limbs, probably because she was thrashing in her sleep. Her heart pounded against her chest. Annabeth trembled. The room was entirely dark. No light anywhere except for the outline of her door. The remnants of her nightmare still clung to her mind, haunting her. Annabeth had no trouble imagining monsters lurking in the murky darkness of her room. Another flash of Tartarus flashed in her mind. Annabeth let out a frightened cry and buried her face into her pillow. Even her breaths trembled. She swallowed and once again turned to see the endless darkness of her room. She couldn't see anything.

Her nightmare was of Tartarus of course. What else could it be? She and Percy had only returned from there a week or so ago. After spending the first day or so in the infirmary, their injuries were almost all healed. Of course, it wasn't the physical injuries that were the most painful.

Annabeth shuddered, a rush of cold trickled up her spine. She wanted to go to Percy's cabin to see if he's awake, he could always calm her down when she's like this. Percy...oh gods. He wasn't coping well, Annabeth thought. I should let him sleep and not bother him.

She hid her face under her bed covers and at least attempted to get rid of the memories floating in her head. Her nightmare was of Percy, that's what scared her the most.

He stood over Achlys with a dark look in his eyes as she struggled to regain control over her poison. As Annabeth watched Percy drown the Goddess of Misery in her own tears, her heart broke into a million pieces. She watched the dorky, quirky boy she fell in love turn rotten, just like Luke - into a monster. She begged Percy to stop and that some things aren't meant to be controlled but instead of stopping, he slowly turned his head around to face her. His eyes were no longer a beautiful sea green or even an evil dark emerald, but they were a bright gold, like Kronos. Percy raised his hand and Annabeth felt her breath freeze, pain shooting up her body. Why would he do this? Why? He walked towards her, a malice grin plastered across his once handsome face, and stabbed out his sword.

Annabeth shed a single tear, no matter how hard she tried to hold it in. He would never do that. He was Percy, the saviour of Olympus. She couldn't control what she did next, it was as if her legs had grown a mind of their own. She climbed out of bed, fixed her old camp half Blood t-shirt she had been using as PJs and walked towards her cabin door. She stuck her head out of the hallway, blonde curls falling down as she twisted her head to look down the corridor. Fearing that Buford would start shouting at her for being out of bed during lights out, Annabeth rushed to the door down the end of the hall - Percy's door. Her feet made a squeaking sound as she walked across the polished wood of Argo II, her heart beating just a few beats faster than usual. She turned the door handle and climbed into the bed of the sleeping demigod.

She stared, in a totally not creepy way, at his sleeping face - his silky, black hair being blown up and down by his shallow breaths. Without meaning to, she pressed her lips against his - just to feel the rush of being with him again. Annabeth felt a small smile grace his face as she pressed just a bit harder. His green eyes shot open and he reached for his sword in a panic.

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