Piper III

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Piper POV: Chapter 3

A man was leaning against the mast, above the seven's heads and Piper was reminded of Pitch Black from Rise of the Guardians. Wisps of darkness spread out from under the man's feet, black toga glistening in the sunlight. Piper felt Annabeth tense next to her, maybe she knew him from Tartarus. Piper didn't know. Those two didn't exactly tell any of them what happened down there. Only the shrill screams of their first few nights reminded the rest of the seven what Percy and Annabeth had been through. Personally, Piper thought they were doing okay. Well, sure, Percy seemed to silently brood a bit more and Annabeth had more defined eye bags and Percy killed monsters with more ruthlessness and Annabeth had a panic attack in the Temple of Fear and...okay. Maybe they weren't too great. But they were alive. And that's all that matters.

Piper stopped herself from zoning out again as the man disappeared behind the mast; only to reappear in the shadows behind where Leo was propped up, hands clutching his bleeding side and hair plastered to his forehead. The man, who she could only assume was a god at this point, sneered at Leo. He had that sort of aura that only gods had or very strong demigods for that matter, and so Piper knew immediately they were dealing with a minor god. Was he on Gaia's side? She had no clue. The man walked towards Leo, crouching so he was eye level. It was as silent among the demigods. His big boots made a rhythmical noise against the wood of the deck, stumbling slightly sometimes making him seem like he had all the time in the world. His face, quite handsome, was stern, yet upbeat. Smooth fingers reached out for Leo's forehead and a dark glow was emitted from his tips. Leo made a small grunt as the rest sucked in a breath only feet away.

"Look, man, we get it. You're working for Gaia. But if you couldn't curse our crew, that would be great." Addressed Percy. His dark eyebrows were furrowed and his expression was incredibly hard to read.

"Do you not want your friend healed?" The god turned, pure black eyes stared at Percy. "That thing had quite a nasty swing at the kid."

Jason stepped out and rubbed the bridge of his nose, almost condescendingly. "We just want you to leave our ship."

"No can do, pal. I'm on strict orders and I need you all alive for what's about to happen."

Piper saw both Annabeth and Percy's eyes glint dangerously. Percy clenched his fist, fingernails probably digging into his skin if Annabeth didn't take his hand in hers. Hazel subtly brought her sword back out of her sheath while shuffling her feet, ready for an attack. The dread crept over Piper like an icy chill, numbing her brain. The god said they wouldn't get hurt but knowing some of their twisted ways, what was waiting for them could be much worse. In the frozen state, Piper was in, she only had one clear thought. Styx.

The god turned back to Leo and continued healing him, tendrils of darkness creeping past his fingers into Leo's wound. Only seconds past before his muscular upper-body stretched backwards and then suddenly sprung up. The waves broke the eerie mood as they were lashing the side of the ship. Either the storm was back or Percy was pissed.

"So...I guess introductions are needed." His face broke into a teenager like smirk, sort of unsettling seeing as this man is probably thousands of years old. He stretched out his arms in a carefree manner like he was a 16-year-old who is showing off his new car to his friends. "Who am I?"

Leo got up, stumbling only slightly and paced towards Frank's side. His face was no longer pale and gaunt, a seemingly healthy glow lit up his features. At least one good thing came from the god's presence.

"Oh, come on Athena spawn. You must know who I am. I thought you were supposed to be the smart one!" His irritating smirk once again gracing his face; similar to Percy's troublemaker smile. "Though I suppose being in Tartarus can mess with your head a bit."

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