Annabeth VIII

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Hi guys. Sorry, this is really late but I've been really busy.  I don't really know where this fanfic is going but I'll try and plan something before I get to Percy's memories. 

Bear with me and thank you all for your support. xxx

(Also on another note, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!)

Okay, now on with the story!


Annabeth POV: Chapter 8

Has it seriously taken you all this long?

"How about you f--" Leo had some colourful words to say to that damn God.

"Leo!" A red faced Hazel exclaimed.

Aw, poor son of Jupiter got stabbed in the back. Well, waddya gonna do, I suppose. Anyways, I just wanted to check for...reasons. How 'bout you demigods hurry up now.

Annabeth couldn't wait to throttle the god the second he shows his ugly, misshapen, slimy thing he calls a face.

After a couple moments of silence, Frank gestured to keep going, his jaw shut and tense. No matter what Annabeth could do, they were stuck. It was frustrating, truly, to be in a position of utter compromise. Annabeth knew that in nearly every situation she has been in, there's been another option. Not now. She looked around at the other demigods each shifting on their places waiting for Frank to open the door. Annabeth wasn't actually sure if the chosen demigod had to open the door itself or if anyone could but it didn't matter anyway.

Each of the seven walked through the door like prisoners tied to chains. Dust shifted in the air, illuminated by an unseen source of light. Though the rooms themselves weren't by any means dark. In fact, each had their own specific feel to them - Hazel's being bejeweled, Leo's much hotter so that any damp water droplets steamed before they hit the floor, Jason's filled with static energy. It's unlikely anyone noticed by the way they were all transfixed on the smallish porcelain plates on the floor, but Annabeth noticed. (To be fair, Annabeth only noticed with Jason's room because her hair started floating outwards.)

Frank's room didn't seem to break the trend, Annabeth thought as she ambled in. The room, looking nearly identical to all the other dome-shaped rooms had a more red-tinted light, Mars' influence no doubt. The room was also filled with some sort of rabid frenzy making Annabeth feel even more on edge if possible. Percy seemed to take notice of her agitation. He took hold of her sweaty palm and gripped it tight; tighter than needed but more or less comforting in the end. His hand was rough with callouses in places that Annabeth is positive that she can recognize and possibly remake if needed.

Frank took his position on the plate at the centre of the room, nodding his head in trepidation back to the group. As the smoke filled the room once again Annabeth took in a deep breath and... waited.

"Fai?" An elderly woman asked. "Fai, come now. Sit here."

A small scrawny woman sat on a plush leather chair by an old-fashioned fireplace. As the fire danced, it lit up her face as she somberly patted the chair opposite hers. The small grey bun on top of her head was so tight that it pulled the skin back giving her a strained look, as if trying to hide the wrinkles. Her nose was a hawk's beak, her small eyes were sharp as she scanned the bare room. She looked sad, masses of unshed tears in her glassy eyes waited in glops. A loose blouse hung from her bones and a long skirt fell over her legs.

"Grandmother? Is there--is there something wrong?" Frank asked as he sat himself opposite her, their knees nearly touching.

The woman, Frank's Grandma, Annabeth supposed, let out a sigh and fraily grasped both of his hands in hers. She stuttered for a second, seemingly losing the words she tried to speak. She leaned back and pulled out a picture from her kardigan pocket. It was a picture of a beautiful Asian woman with her hands on Frank's shoulders, bright smiles lighting up the page. Annabeth felt her heart jump up her throat. She knew what happened here.

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