Frank VI

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Hi guys! So sorry this has taken so long to update. I had loads of tests at school and so I basically had no time to write. Although I gotta say, this chapter is hella long so maybe it makes up for my terrible schedule. 

Ok. Please enjoy and don't hesitate to leave a comment. I love reading them all! See you all later xxx

Frank POV: Chapter 6

Hazel shuffled back into Frank's side. He could vaguely register her tears making his shirt a bit damp. She walked up to Frank slowly, hands pulling at the skin under her golden eyes as if trying to smooth out non-existent wrinkles. Frank pulled her closer to him wrapping his arms around her smaller body. Her presence was warm, and, to Frank, his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around her little but by no means frail body. Frank's head was still racing slightly. He didn't realise Marie was so terrible. He looked at Hazel in a whole new light. She never brought up her bullying, or her mother, or when she got out of the underworld. Frank watched Hazel, turning his head down, without turning his body, his heart was hammering but he kept his gait casual with no hint of hesitation. He needed to be there for Hazel like she would be there for him, probably in the future when it's his turn.

Percy walked up and placed a comforting hand on Hazel's shoulder, sadness ingrained into his features.

'Hazel, hey. Look at me.'

Her eyes shifted to the side again and became glazed with a glassy layer of tears. As she blinked, they dripped from her eyelids and slid down her cheeks. She bit her lip tightly in attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from her mouth; Frank's heart sank.

"It's over. It's done. And you are so, so strong."

Her lower lip quivered as words slowly made their way out of her mouth. 'They're...' She began, yet she seemingly swallowed and puffed out her shoulders; straight back and head held high.

'Just...a bit of a shock to the system.'

Frank glanced nervously at Leo - he was next. The smaller boy was staring with a quizzical expression at Hephaestus' marked door. Cold sweat glistened on his furrowed brow. With hands clasped tightly in front of his stomach he constantly fiddled with his knuckles, weaving his fingers in and out of each other. Frank couldn't read him well enough to know exactly what he was thinking but got the gist. It was going to be exactly what Frank was thinking as soon as the mist cleared. What will I see? Frank had things he wouldn't mind forgetting for a bit. It seemed everyone else was thinking this too. Annabeth especially. Eyebrows furrowed and pursed lips. Of course, thought Frank. There was probably a lot of stuff that happened down there.


The seven immediately jumped, grabbing their assorted weapons from their respective pockets and sheaths. The group was enveloped in a silent anger. Frank cast his eyes to the stone floors. Hate and enmity welled up in his heart, fury itself burning him up. Frank didn't usually feel this level of anger but for all that...thing put on Hazel was infuriating. He has no doubt that tensions will only run higher as they pass through the rest of the rooms.

Just get on with it please. Although, I do find all your faces quite funny.

Frank clutched his bow harder, biting back a retort. It seems Leo did not.

'C'mon you coward. Face us like last time. I guarantee you won't be so happy then!'

Piper put her hand on his raised fist, pushing it down gently. 'Just...don't.'

Leo rubbed his hand against his face and let out a deep sigh. He turned his head to face the rest of the group that were standing slightly behind him, Frank included and made a gesture to the door. A collective decision washed over the seven as they approached the door. Above the dirt door was a sign of an anvil, crevices lined what seemed like liquid gold. With Leo in front, each demigod passed into the next identical looking room with Jason at the back. The room seemed the same, only more dust was collected on the stone floors giving a more musty smell. Like before, there was a plate set in the middle of the room, waiting to be activated. Frank is sure Leo had thought about how it all worked.

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