Frank IV

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Hi guys! I hope you like this chapter, it was a bit hard to think of what to put here buuuuut, I can say fully that the next chapter is when the action starts!

Thank you all for voting and if you haven't....please do!

Quick question: do you guys want some trivia at the end of every chapter? Just let me know here. 

Okay....on with the chapter. 

The seven were all exhausted. It had been days, each time Hazel seemed to be less and less sure of where to go. It seemed Gaia knew they were all dead on their feet as monster after monster had been attacking the Argo II, each time the demigods found themselves struggling to kill even the weakest monster. Frank perched on the side of the ship, legs dangling over the ocean underneath them. He drifted in and out of consciousness. If any of them managed to actually sleep, their skin would immediately explode into painful scratches as if a harpy was attacking. The world around him was a blur, and random images seemed to float aimlessly around in the pool of his thoughts, as though they were being blown about viciously by a hurricane. A tap on Frank's shoulder momentarily brought him back to the outside world. The whole world simply felt low resolution, a bad quality movie, to Frank. Confusion blossomed in Frank's heart as he knew that sooner or later he would need to stand. But his limbs felt like they were filled with lead. Frank knew he should stare reality in the face; they weren't going to get relief unless they get the job done.

"Frank, man, we have a meeting in the break room."

Frank turned to face the pale face of the son of Jupiter. He had heavy bags under his eyes as if someone had punched them in. His cheekbones were protruding from his face in a skeletal kind of way. All in all, he didn't look too good. But, Frank thought, we all probably look the same.

"Yep, yep," Frank replied, stretching his arms over his head, revelling in the satisfying cracks he heard in his joints.

Jason stretched his hand out for Frank to haul himself up. Sending him a grateful look, Frank brought himself up to his full height. They both walked towards the doors that lead to the breakroom, feet dragging behind them as overwhelming exhaustion overwhelms them. Frank can't remember the last time he felt this tired. Sure, there was the time on his quest to Alaska but he did get at least some sleep. Now that thinks about it, the last time he felt this bad was the weeks following his mother's funeral. The ache continues to build in his legs as he strains to stumble to the doors. It continues in dull pangs as if some monster has taken it upon itself to hit him hard with a spoon repeatedly, only applying enough pressure to be an annoyance. But over the last few days, the constant annoyance is more painful than being stabbed by a gladius. Frank imagined if he was lying on a million rocks, with rocks lying on top him too, it would feel a whole like he did now; not to the point of death but enough to wish he could just get knocked out for some alleviation.

Suddenly, Frank could dimly note that he was soaking wet. Jason too. It was a perfect shock to his system, freezing cold water made him feel like he was electrocuted. It was more than just a slight tingle that ran underneath his skin as Frank woke up more. He didn't know whether to curse or thank whatever got him wet.

"Sorry!" yelled Percy as he climbed out of the ocean. "I can dry you guys off if you want."

Frank cringed as Jason's nostrils flared. The lack of sleep made everyone more on edge. "Could you? Thanks, man"

"Jeez, my bad. It's getting harder to control my powers, you know?" Percy replied, waving his hand and immediately drying both Frank and Jason off.

"No problem, man. I find myself turning into a french bulldog if I'm about to nod off."

Jason interrupted, "we need to get to the meeting. Everyone's down there now."

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